Introduction to Shiva Naidu Kondati – Founder & CEO, eHealth Network Solutions Pvt Ltd.

eHealth Network Solutions Pvt Ltd is a path-breaker in the field of eHealthcare services in India. The company’s Founder &CEO, Mr. Shiva Naidu Kondati has done extensive study in the Indian healthcare services industry and identified the urgent need for transparent, authentic and high-quality healthcare services in the country.

Mr. Shiva Naidu Kondati is a senior entrepreneur who has a keen eye in identifying prospective business opportunities. He has established successful business ventures involved in Irrigation, Telecom and IT Infrastructure Projects across India and overseas.
Mr. Naidu has launched eHealth Network Solutions Pvt. Ltd., with the sole intention to create the largest ecosystem for healthcare in India. Our company’s USP is to bring all healthcare stakeholders: doctors, patients, pharmacists, diagnostic and imaging professionals and hospitals, onto a single platform.

Our company’s products, eHealth ID (for patients) and eHealth Pro (for healthcare professionals) are designed to provide affordable and authentic healthcare services for all classes of people by integrating data securely and digitally into a single system.
By establishing eHealth Network Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Shiva Naidu Kondati intends to create social responsibility in individuals and also provide them with an opportunity to invest time and money towards providing qualitative and genuine healthcare services in every neighbourhood of India.

eHealth Network Solutions Pvt Ltd is a path-breaker in the field of eHealthcare services in India. The company’s Founder & CEO, Mr. Shiva Naidu Kondati has done extensive study in the Indian healthcare services industry and identified the urgent need for transparent, authentic and high-quality healthcare services in the country.

By establishing eHealth Network Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Shiva Naidu Kondati intends to create social responsibility in individuals and also provide them with an opportunity to invest time and money towards providing qualitative and genuine healthcare services in every neighbourhood of India.

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