How To Fix Destiny Error Code Beetle?

Destiny error code Beetle is probably the most infamous of all Destiny error codes because there is very little information online at the moment. Bungie folks have yet to post an article on how to solve the problem and users are often forced to scroll through huge forum posts trying to find the answer.

We have collected several working solutions from several users who said the solution worked for them so make sure you try them all before you give up on this topic.

Solution 1: Clear The Cache By Hard Booting Your Xbox

This solution has helped a number of people deal with their Beetle error code and this solution is a general way to fix almost all Xbox-related problems. This method can of course only be used for users who play Destiny on Xbox.

However, make sure all your games are synchronized online and backed up, as this process can eventually delete them from your local Xbox One memory. There are two ways to remove the Xbox One cache:

  1. Press and hold the power button on the Xbox console’s front until it is fully shut down.
  2. Disconnect the power brick from the Xbox back. Press and hold the power button on the Xbox several times to ensure that there is no power left and that the cache is actually cleaned.
  3. When Destiny is highlighted, click on the Applications menu and press the Options button. To delete the game, click Delete >> Select All and press Delete.
  4. To confirm the deletion of the selected application, select OK and the game is removed from the hard drive completely.

Clearing the console cache after uninstalling Destiny helps to ensure that there are no temporary files stored in the cache of consoles that could affect Destiny’s new installation. The recommended steps to clear the console cache are:

  1. Switch off PlayStation completely.
  2. Unplug the power cord from the back of the console once the console is completely shut down.
  3. Let the console remain unplugged for at least few minutes.
  4. Plug the power cord back into the PS4 and turn it as usual.

Use the physical game disk to reinstall the game on PS4:

  1. Turn on the system PlayStation and sign in your PSN profile.
  2. Insert the original game disk that you first installed and the installation should start automatically. You can keep track of the progress bar.

You can also install the game using your PlayStation and Internet connection to download it. When downloading game, it is recommended to use wired connection.

  1. Turn on the system PlayStation and sign in your PSN profile.
  2. Open the home screen library item, locate the destination from the list and select the Download button.
  3. While the game is installed on the hard drive of the console, progress bar will appear.

Reinstalling The Game On Xbox One

  1. Turn on Xbox One and sign into the desired profile of Xbox One.
  2. Select My Games and Apps from the Xbox Home menu, press games and highlight Destiny.
  3. Tap the menu button and select the Game Management Uninstall All option. To confirm your choice on the next screen, click Uninstall again.
  4. The game is removed from the hard drive after moment.

Clearing the console cache after deleting Destiny helps to ensure that there are no temporary files in the cache that may affect Destiny’s new installation. The recommended steps to clear the console cache are:

  1. Press and hold the power button on the Xbox console’s front until it is fully shut down.
  2. Disconnect the power brick from the Xbox back. Press and hold the power button on the Xbox several times to ensure that there is no power left and that the cache is actually cleaned.

The game can be reinstalled on Xbox using the physical game disk:

  1. Turn on Xbox One and sign into the desired profile of Xbox One.
  2. Insert the game disk into the disk drive and automatically start the installation process. You can follow the progress until you have installed the game.

You can also install the game using your PlayStation and Internet connection to download it. When downloading game, it is recommended to use wired connection.

  1. Turn on Xbox One and sign into the desired profile of Xbox One.
  2. Navigate to the menu section Ready to Install, select Destiny and select the option Install.
  3. The progress of downloading and installation can be seen in the menu’s queue section.
  4. While the game is installed on the hard drive of the console, progress bar will appear.

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