The article, “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk” does not present an astonishing topic in this article but a very interesting one. This is a shocking topic to the older generations because it is now the way of life for most people I know in my generation. Since the time my friends and I got our hands on our first cell phones we have been interacting with each other by multitasking between paying attention to those were talking to in reality and that one the cell phone. Those in the cell phone can be one or two or even more. The conversations with the person in reality involve many instances in which we share on our cell phones and even creating discussion topics that are trending on the internet’s social networking sites.
I am not happy with the habit of multitasking between conversations and those on my phone. I sometimes make an effort to socialize without a phone nearby even when others are, and I often end up eventually pulling my phone from my purse. Thus, I am always guilty of multitasking because, in most case, I have to use words pardon to make the person I am interacting with repeat his or her stamen again and the person obviously gets irritated. It shows that I don’t care about the conversation, and I end up looking very rude. Sometimes I use the phone to my advantage when I don’t like a person. So I am also a victim to what the author is talking about of failure to listen to one to one conversation with the person we are with in real life at the expense of my phone. Yes. I am a culprit. Most of my friends can also not have a conversation without frequently having to check on their phones. I also find myself talking to the wall when they are busy on their phones, and this irritates me. I consider this act to be rudeness. It is because being social is an important part of my life. I am aware of this problems, and I hope it does not get any worse. Hope to impact positively on my friends and others by setting rules that we should not be using our phones when we are not having conversations with one another.
I agree with the author that the issue of dividing things up makes us miss our essential connection with conversation and solitude. With solitude, we learn our power of imagination and concentration in listening to ourselves. These skills are critical when presenting a conversation. Thus, there is a need for young people like me not to be ripped off human values with the various technologies we have today. There is the need for us to place face-to-face communication as a priority because this is part of human existence. I believe that our ability to reclaim the conversations is a step towards reclaiming our solitude. It is the skill that will help me in practicing the ability to do one thing at a time. Unitasking will, therefore, help me decrease stress and increase my performance.
Turkle, Sherry (2015) Stop Googling. Let’s talk
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