Combat Rogue is one of the best DPS Classes in Classic WoW, losing only to Warrior when it comes to pure numbers. His Energy mechanic (in Classic, Rogue gains 20 Energy every 2 seconds) allows him to keep up his DPS even in the longest of encounters, making Sustain not an issue at all. However, in very long fights, Rogue might be forced to reapply his world of warcraft classic gold poisons as they have limited charges. This can lead to a slight DPS loss, but it is negligible when compared to a loss caused by running out of resources. He has access to two solid threat-management tools in a form of Vanish and Feint, so he is able to deal steady damage without any real risk of gaining Bosse’s unwanted attention (for as long as he pays attention to his Threat meter, of course).
Unlike some other Classes/Specs, Combat Rogue performs at the top level throughout all the content Phases, which makes him a solid DPS choice for any Raid Tier. His Utility, while not the best in Raids, can prove to be irreplaceable in smaller groups or in certain Raid encounters, like suppression room in Blackwing Lair. The only real drawback of Combat Rogue is his popularity. Finding a spot in a decent Raiding guild might be a slight problem, but it can be overcome with a little bit of hard work and dedication because solid and dedicated Raiders are always in high demand.
The Best Professions Choice
There is only one profession that makes a real impact in Raids and it is Engineering (Alchemy is also a decent option, but you can buy Flasks, Elixirs, and Potions from other players, which makes it much less impactful). It gives you access to powerful explosives that increase your AoE and Single-Target DPS. On top of that, it lets you create and use Gnomish Battle Chicken Trinket that summons a Guardian Chicken that fights at your side and has a chance on hit to cast a “Battle Squawk” which boosts Melee attack speed of all Party members by 5%, making it a must-have in every competitive group. The fact that Engineering is also considered the best PvP profession is an added benefit to its power in PvE environment.
At the start, you should pick Mining to supplement your Engineering Skill, you can always switch it to another profession of your liking later on.Note: If you want to know more about all available professions and secondary skills, please check our detailed WoW Class
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