Francisco, says, “Women accumulate Vito Brain up to 700 hours of sleep debt in the first year after having a baby, and that causes the brain not to be at its best for things other than caring for the baby.” Even the fragmented sleep which a new mommy gets is not sufficient because she’s not getting deeper or, more restorative stages of sleep. “Disrupted sleep patterns can cause a rise in levels,” says Jens, director at the McGill Centre for Studies in Aging. Cortisol is a steroid hormone or, the more popularly known as “stress” hormone. Pregnant and post-partum moms have an excess of this hormone, which is necessary for fetal development and to give them the energy to endure the strains of giving birth. Cortisol not only provides energy to cope with any increase in demand or, any threat at hand but also shuts down the areas in the brain that would allow a person to think more clearly. This explains how a mommy cannot get back to sleep in the middle of night after soothing the baby to sleep again. Some researchers also consider mommy brain as myth.
Some claim that foggy-headedness goes hand in hand with motherhood. Many experts believe that it’s no longer a myth and attribute it to the upheaval of hormones, interrupted sleep patterns and/or, the requirement to quickly learn a wide array vito brain reviews of new skills and tasks in order to take care of their babies. I liked following hilarious quote while learning on mommy brain: “Some people may think that I’m forgetful. However, I’m suffering from BMS – Busy Mom Syndrome.” Conclusion As mentioned by Ronda Byrne in “The Secret”, the more we think about something, the quicker Universe gives it back to us. So, for all those mothers out there, the more they are going to worry about mommy brain, worse would be the impact of it. Instead of worrying they can try following ways to lessen the influence of it:..