Each year domestic fires devastate more than 1000 houses every year in NY. These fires are usually caused by a malfunction in electrical appliances and kitchen equipment. Most apartments are and houses are consumed by these accidental fires because they lack the proper protection required to combat such situations causing loss of precious lives.

Major prevention’s include quality window installation services and fire doors in apartments of Bronx NY. These service providers will install the best equipment necessary to prevent the spread of fires and causing an insurmountable amount of damage to property and life.

Fire doors protect your family from injuries related to domestic fires. These doors act as a passive security system to prevent the spread of fire from one room to another or in case of an apartment building from one floor to another. With the installation of a fire door, the chances of escaping are drastically improved and odds of survival are increased.


Fire doors are not completely fireproof as they are made of combustible material, but they help to slow down the rate of spread of fire from one room to another. They contain the fire and smoke in the affected room for enough time to give the inhabitants a fighting chance to escape. The minimum time for the fire door to withstand the fire before being compromised is 30 minutes.

All the fire doors come with a fire rating. This rating depicts the maximum amount of time the door can withstand the penetration of flames without being compromised. The rating of the fire door ranges from 30 minutes to 90 minutes.

The fire doors are made from a layer of materials that provides its endurance against the fire. Its components include steel, gypsum, glass, wire mesh, and vermiculite.

It is certainly not guaranteed that the fire will withstand the same amount of time as the rating because it was tested in a controlled environment, but in the real-time scenario, a lot of factors affect its durability. It surely provides better protection than average wooden doors.

The fire doors have the capability to self-close and self-seal in the case a fire breaks out, as their major role is to limit and reduce the spread of fire long enough to ensure the people will easily escape. This would be impossible if the doors do not close properly or have a faulty self-sealing mechanism.

As like any other lifesaving equipment, a fire door serves the same purpose, therefore it must be installed with great care and with professional help. A faulty installation will lead to a useless fire door and in case of any mishap, spread of fire causing damage. The fire doors need to be fitted with intumescent strips which play an important role in giving the fire door it’s rating.

When the fire breaks out, its heat activates this strip which expands and helps seal the door. If the door is not sealed, or the strip malfunctions, the fire door will be rendered useless. There is also a glass in the door used to view through, which is also fire resistant and does not easily crack or break under significant temperatures like normal glass.

And when we are talking about saving your life make sure to hire the Best Fire Rated Door Company in The Bronx NY as nothing is more important because there is no room for faulty installations. They will make sure that the door is maintained and checked up frequently to make sure it’s functional and will be able to protect your life when you will need it.



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