When you are in search of the ideal Hydraulic Hose Pipes in India, the main factor that strikes to your mind is its size. When it comes to Hydraulic Hose Sizing, there are three important word that you should keep in your mind i.e. I.D., Dash Size and Nomogram.
Sizing is the most fundamental and basic factor in hydraulic hose selection. Sizing specifications for hydraulic hose incorporate outer diameter, inner diameter, and length.
Outer diameter (O.D.) measures the whole range of the hose cross section, involving the tube, reinforcement, and cover. The difference between the O.D. as well as I.D. is the thickness of the hose wall. Outer diameter is imperative for sizing industrial hose to suitable fittings as well assystem components.
Inner diameter (I.D.) is the range of the unfilled space in a circular hose cross section that disturbs the flow velocity of the liquid inside the hose. A hose with a larger than usual I.D. will result in slow system performance, while an undersized I.D. can cause excessive pressure leaks, drops, and system damage.
The length of hydraulic hose defines its greatest reach between end-points. Increasing length can likewise increasepressure drop in the system since hose length is a function of head loss due to friction.
What is dash size?
Individuals new to the hydraulic industry often ask what hose dash size implies. Basically, a dash size alludes to an I.D. of a hydraulic hose or fitting in 1/16″ increases. For instance, – 6 hose would demonstrate a hose with I.D. of 6/16″ – or 3/8″.
Hoses are estimated by inside diameter, unlike cylinders which are estimated by outside diameter. Truly, that is the way the hoses and cylinders are separated.
How to determine dash size for your particularly hydraulic application
By utilizing a standard nomogram, you can discover the connection between three variable quantities utilizing basic geometric development. In this example, the factors are Dash Size (Hose I.D.), Desired Flow Rate and Recommended Flow Velocity. If any two of these variables are known, you can undoubtedly get to know the third factor.
How to use the nomograph shown below:
- Select the two known values.
- Put a straightedge to intersect the two values.
- Intersection on the third vertical line provides with the value of that factor.
For instance, if you realize the Desired Flow Rate is 16 gallons for each moment and thesuggested Flow Velocity is 20 feet for every second,you can check these numbers in the corresponding left- and right-hand sections. When you put a straightedge between the columns and make a line to associate the values, you view where the line crosses the center column chart; where it intersects shows the Hose I.D. /Dash Size. For this situation, you willneed a 0.625″ (5/8″) inch (or bigger) hose. The nomogram is a simple and viable tool for helping size your hydraulic hoses.
In Conclusion
So, these are few of the factors that are used to determine the size of the hose. There are many Hydraulic Fittings Manufacturers in India, who manufacture the hose pipes based on the demand of required sizes. Just follow these three factors to determine the right size of the hose pipe.