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What Are The Health Benefits Of Dal Makhani?

Due to their busy lifestyle, people cannot control their diet and they can suffer from different health issues. Dal Makhani is a Punjabi dish that contains more than 270 calories and it is suggested to avoid this food if you have diabetics or health diseases. But, you can get good amounts of calories, proteins, fats, calcium, potassium, vitamins and minerals from Dal Makhani recipe.

Dal Makhani originated from Peshawar and it was brought by Kundan Lal Gujaral from Peshawar from Delhi during partition of India. Dal Makhani contains more than 278 calories, and you can find huge amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in this dish. According to the nutritionists, more than 2000 calories should be added in the diet plan of an adult and Dal Makhani can provide 14% of the total calories that you need on regular basis.

Health benefits of Dal Makhani recipe:

You can find various ingredients such as Urad dal, onions, Rajma, butter, cream, tomatoes and corianders in Dal Makhani recipe. Urad dal gives you huge amount of folic acid which produces and maintains new blood cells in your body. Apart from that, Urad dal contains high amounts of fibre which is good for your heart. Onions can works as anti-oxidant and vitamin-c presents in onions also maintain your immune system. Plus, Onions are good for your eyesight and raw onions can keep your heart healthy.

Similarly, Rajma used in Dal Makhani can gives you magnesium, fibre and potassium. Such components reduce your cholesterol level and regulate your blood pressure. If you have diabetics or high blood pressure then consuming Rajma on regular basis can help you to control your diseases. People do not prefer Dal Makhani fue to butter used in this recipe, but do you know that butter can produce some anti-inflammatory effects in your body? Not only that, butter can also boost up your immune system, and you can try Dal Makhani every day with lots of butter if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Plus, butter used in Dal Makhani can maintain your skin and work as powerful antioxidant.

Apart from that, people can garnish their Dal Makhani with tomato sauce and cream. Tomatoes contain lycopene, vitamin-c and folic acid, which are better for pregnant women. Apart from that, tomatoes can produce new red blood cells in your body which will help you to fight against bacterial infections. Plus, corianders used in Dal Makhani recipe can also provide huge amounts of Vitamin-C, vitamin-A, iron and folic acid.

Author bio: Author is a nutritionist who explains the health benefits of Dal Makhani recipe here. Apart from that, she is a blogger who has her own travel and food blogs.

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