Understanding Your 5 Options for a Business Migration Visa in SeaTac, WA

Coming to America for a better life has been a common story for centuries. Is this your dream? While today’s immigrants cannot just show up on a boat like 200 years ago, there are steps they can take in order to reap the full benefits of business opportunities in SeaTac, WA for immigrants.


The United States government wants to know you will be gainfully employed and bring value to the country once you are here. The main thing one must understand is the concept of employment-based immigration. There are approximately 140,000 immigrant visas available each year for individuals looking to obtain a green card based off employment. The employment-based immigration system is subdivided into five categories or preferences. These include:


#1 First Employment-Based Preference (EB-1) This subcategory is reserved for “priority workers” including aliens with extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics. This could apply to outstanding professors and researchers, certain professional athletes, and highly-profitable business managers. No labor certification is required for this program.


#2 EB-2. This is reserved for “members of the professions holding advanced degrees or aliens of extraordinary ability” in the arts, sciences, and business. This is similar to number one, but a labor certification is required unless the applicant can obtain a national interest waiver (NIV). An NIV allows the applicant to forego the labor certification requirement because “an alien’s services in the sciences, arts, professions, or business [which are to] be sought by an employer in the United States” is in the national interest, as deemed by immigration authorities.


#3 EB-3. EB-3 is a subcategory reserved for “skilled workers, professionals, and other workers.” Each of these three classifications carries a specialized legal meaning; it not up for interpretation. A labor certification is required with this one as well.


#4 EB-4. An immigrant who qualifies for EB-4 would be considered a “special immigrant,” and may include certain religious workers, employees of U.S. Foreign Service posts, retired employees of international organizations, alien minors who are wards of courts in the United States, and other classes of aliens. A labor certification is not required to be designed EB-4.


#5 EB-5. This last subcategory is actually set aside specifically for those who can facilitate “employment creation.” Someone who qualifies for EB-5 would be a business investors who typically invests a minimum of a million dollars in a new commercial enterprise that employs at least 10 domestic United States workers. For obvious reasons, no labor certification is required for the EB-5.


As you can see, nearly anyone wanting employment-based immigration can qualify for one of these subcategories. Another bit of good news is that immigrants who come to the United States under one of these categories and take advantage of a business migration visa in SeaTac, WA will also be able to bring their spouses and children.


The next step is to contact an immigrant attorney who can help you with the necessary documentation. This way, you are bettering your chances of your application for a business visa being approved.

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