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Tips For A Good Project Defense: Conveying A Good Presentation

In the scholastic world, it is a routine that having studied for a while, students are asked to do project research, cause discoveries, and to pick a project topic and develop a quality substance for such a project topic. Most of the time, final year project topics are chosen from a pool of accessible ones by students and endorsed by their supervisors before they initiate to take a shot at it. In the long run, students are expected to make a presentation to a group of illuminated researchers in regard to their final year project and furthermore attempt to relate it to this present reality situation that anticipate them having procured capability in their field of study, art is generally known as final year project defense.

Under recorded here, are a couple of tips for good project defense to assist you to make an outstanding presentation while defending your final year project:

• ARRANGE YOUR DISCOVERIES: After conducting legitimate research, it is essential to orchestrate your resultant findings in order of necessity. Present your findings

This page and the next, on reporting and discussing your findings, deal with the core of the thesis. In a traditional doctoral thesis, this will consist of a number of chapters where you present the data that forms the basis of your investigation, shaped by the way you have thought about it. In a thesis including publication, it will be the central section of an article.

For some fields of study, the presentation and discussion of findings follow established conventions; for others, the researcher’s argument determines the structure. Therefore it is important for you to investigate the conventions of your own discipline, by looking at journal articles and theses.

Every thesis writer has to present and discuss the results of their inquiry. In these pages, we consider these two activities separately while recognizing that in many kinds of thesis they will be integrated. This section is concerned with presenting the analysis of the results of data analysis.

There is a great deal of disciplinary variation in the presentation of findings. For example, a thesis in oral history and one in marketing may both use interview data that has been collected and analyzed in similar ways, but the way the results of this analysis are presented will be very different because the questions they are trying to answer are different. The presentation of results from experimental studies will be different again. In all cases, though, the presentation should have a logical organization that reflects:

the aims or research question(s) of the project, including any hypotheses that have been tested

the research methods and theoretical framework that has been outlined earlier in the thesis.

You are not simply describing the data. You need to make connections and make apparent your reasons for saying that data should be interpreted in one way rather than another. Discuss your findings

In the discussion of your findings, you have an opportunity to develop the story you found in the data, making connections between the results of your analysis and existing theory and research. While the amount of discussion required in a thesis may vary according to discipline, all disciplines expect some interpretation of the findings that make these connections.

Importance Of Rehearsing

Rehearsal involves praxis, which usually refers to the process of putting theoretical knowledge into practice, through a constant cycle of conceptualizing the meaning of what can be learned from experience. Praxis is the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, practiced, embodied, or realized. Praxis may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practicing ideas.

You have been studying public speaking and learning about a delivery, gathering information, organizing speeches, and selecting a method of delivery. Through rehearsal, you have the opportunity to separate what works from what does not work.

Rehearsal Through Analysis and Synthesis

During this period, it is important to break down the rehearsal into different chunks or skills for analysis, work with the smaller areas, and then strive for synthesis. You may learn by practicing different ways of actually expressing ideas, through which you can determine the best one. Alternatively, you can practice different styles of delivery such as speaking faster or slower. To learn from practice, you can record your work to view it later, or you can have a trusted friend or coach provide feedback.

You may have heard the phrase “practice makes perfect,” but before attempting to reach perfection, you must experiment to determine what it is you exactly want.

Rehearsal As Simulated Experience

Just like the contestants in the Miss Universe Pageant, you have an opportunity to practice on stage before the actual event. The learning that can occur in rehearsal is situated in a simulated experience. While rehearsing, you simulate the real speaking experience so you know what to expect. You can rehearse with the equipment or visual aids you will use, you can make sure that you are in control of the time, and you can rehearse answering questions for a Q&A session. You will know what to expect and ultimately feel more secure with your ability to perform in the actual speaking situation.

Getting Feedback On Your Writing: 4 Things To Keep In Mind

But if you are going to ask for advice, here are four pointers that may get you constructive feedback rather than vague praise or frustrating negativity:

Don’t be vague. Be as specific in your request as possible. Rather than saying, ‘Is my writing any good?’ say ‘I’m struggling with how much plot to put in a romance novel’ or ‘Do you think my chapters are too long?’ You will probably know where you are comfortable and confident in your writing, so it is better to ‘zoom’ in on the parts that keep you up at night.

  1. Don’t get your back up. If someone says they didn’t like your main character, for example, don’t feel the need to angrily defend your writing. ‘But I was trying to show the dissociation and alienation of a millennial generation — how can you not see that?’ If you were trying to create a likable character, it’s perhaps worth taking some of the advice to heart.
  2. Don’t hear criticism that isn’t there. This is the opposite of the point above — if someone points out one glitch, you assume the whole story is broken and irredeemable. ‘I don’t really see how the subplot with the talking cat fits in with the thriller storyline,’ someone might say. In your mind, you hear: ‘Your whole story is terrible — best you throw it away and start again or, better yet, take up adult coloring books as a hobby.’ Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater — to quote another threadbare cliché.
  3. Don’t be too quick to change your story. Here’s another scenario. Someone you trust or admire gives you feedback on a story you’ve been working on for months, maybe even years. ‘I think this story would be so much better if it was set on a spaceship rather than a seaside village.’ You rush back to your laptop and start re-writing your story, but a couple of chapters in you stop or hit a dead end. You’re not motivated or excited by the story. ‘I don’t like science fiction — why am I writing this?’ Let things simmer for a while before you tackle a change. And, in the same vein, don’t ask for feedback too early — or too late.

Feedback is a useful way for a writer to set about improving the craft of writing. It’s not useful if you’re using it as a fall back to soothe your neurotic soul or seek false praise.

Above are the tips for good project defense and how to convey good presentation


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