Struggling to get pregnant? You are not alone, many couples are struggling with fertility issues around the world today. Infertility causes one in six couples to have trouble getting pregnant, and in a recent study of infertility patients, it was revealed that they had spent an average of 1.5 lakh out-of-pocket on fertility treatments from various fertility clinics in Hyderabad, India.
While there are many different types of infertility treatments offered by the fertility centers in Hyderabad, and deciding which one is right for you can seem overwhelming at first glance, it’s important to note that there are many options available at fertility clinics in Hyderabad, India with varying degrees of success rates.
The most common types of infertility treatments are: intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and assisted reproductive technology treatments, which include intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination is a procedure in which sperm is placed directly within the uterus. This is a lab and at-hospital procedure done by endocrinologists or fertility doctors in Hyderabad. IUI is one of the most popular infertility treatments because it offers the lowest cost of all fertility treatments and is available at most fertility centers in Hyderabad.
Often we talk about women’s issues, men deal with fertility issues too, which is termed as male factor infertility. Fortunately, there are many treatments available at most fertility & IVF centers in Hyderabad, all around India as well.
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Male infertility & semen analysis and fertility treatments
The male sexual health and fertility doctors in Hyderabad at the top fertility & IVF center in Hyderabad offer one of the broadest programs in the industry. MotherToBe is dedicated to helping men overcome their fertility issues and achieve their reproductive goals. At MotherToBe IVF & IUI fertility hospital in Hyderabad, they have assembled a state-of-the-art team of experienced top fertility specialists in Hyderabad who offer a variety of specialized services aimed at improving male fertility and achieving pregnancy.
The team of reproductive specialists from the top IUI fertility hospital in Hyderabad can perform semen analysis, sperm count testing, fertility testing, microsurgical vasectomy reversal surgery, male infertility repair surgery, and other related treatments for male infertility. Sperm analysis done by the andrologists at our state-of-the-art labs of IVF center in Hyderabad can provide a window into the male patients’ reproductive health and overall well-being. by analyzing sperm count, motility, & morphology the doctor would help determine the course of action.
Have a glance at treatments that could help male factor infertility:
Non-surgical treatments
- Medication
- Sperm retrieval using common aspiration & extraction procedures such as MESA, PESA, TESA, TESE.
- Electroejaculation Therapy (EEJ)—non-invasive painless treatment for who can produce sperm normally but unable to ejaculate.
- IUI-Intrauterine Insemination
- IVF treatment and success rates
Most common & effective assisted conception techniques for male infertility stemming from various issues suggested by top fertility specialists in Hyderabad.
IVF is a procedure in which eggs are retrieved from a woman’s ovaries by means of a minor surgical procedure called “aspiration. Using sperm samples & retrieved mature eggs, fertilization takes place under specific controlled conditions at the fertility & IVF center in Hyderabad. then the resulting embryo is cultured and transferred to the female partner’s uterus to encourage conception.
- ICSI-Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Surgical treatments
- Ejaculatory duct resection clear blocked ducts
- Varicocele repair
- Vasectomy reversal
If you or someone you care about suspect may be struggling with male factor infertility, don’t hesitate to talk about it and also do not wait to seek help from reproductive doctors and fertility clinics in Hyderabad, seek treatments that could be life-changing.
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