Swarna Prashana | Swarna Bindu Prashana | Swarna Bindu

Swarna prashana is one of the 16 samskaras mentioned in ancient Ayurveda literature. Swana prashana is an ayurvedic immuno-booster which is advised in kids. It is popularly known as Suvarna prashana, Suvarna Bindu prashana.

Ayurveda has many references of gold pertaining to its medicinal properties and uses in different contexts. It is said to be having both preventive and protective qualities. Honey is another important ingredient present in Swarna Prashana. It contains many important antioxidants that gradually prepare the body to fight against other allergens. Another component of Swarna Prashana is Ghee. It is a rich source of fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D E, and K that help promote healthy bone and brain development of the child. The administration of Swarna (gold) in children for the benefits of improving intellect, digestion and metabolism, physical strength, immunity, complexion, and life span. The age at which Swarna prashana should be administered can be determined depending upon the desired effect in children. There are various formulations of gold and even along with ayurvedic drugs.

Pushya Nakshatra Dates

Pushya is derived from the Sanskrit word “Pushti” which also means nourishment. It is said to be most auspicious among others. So in Ayurveda, the Pushya nakshatra dates are regarded as the best day for the collection of the drugs. The action of the drug is very fruitful due to the nourishing effect of Pushya nakshatra. It is a good time to take medicine and prepare herbs

Pushya Nakshatra Dates for 2019

MONTH                                    DAY                                     DATE

August                       Thursday, Wednesday                    01, 28

September                Wednesday                                       25

October                      Tuesday                                             22

November                 Monday                                             18

December                  Sunday                                               15

Benefits of Swarna Prashana

According to Acharya Kashyapa, the administration of gold in children benefits in improving intellect, digestion, and metabolism, physical strength, immunity, complexion and fertility. Gold should be processed along with honey and ghee on a stone facing eastern direction and made the child lick it. The benefits of Swarna prashana are as follows:

  1. Medha Agni Bala Vardhanam (improvement of intellect, digestion, metabolism, immunity, and physical strength)
  2. Swarna Prashana improves attention and the grasping power in children and it is also known to enhance the memory. Swarna Prashana is very important for improving brain health in a child.
  3. Swarna Prashan accelerates the process of digestion in children. It stimulates appetite thus promotes healthy body growth.
  4. Swarna Prashana is a proper mixture of pure gold, honey, and ghee that are known to enhance the immune power of the body. Administration of Swarna Prashana can help to build a strong Immunity and reduce the chances of common infections such as cough, cold and cough.
  5. It improves the blood circulation in the body and also stimulates the nervous system. Swarna Prashan improves the blood circulation which results in improved skin texture and nourishes the skin.
  6. Due to its calming effects on the mind, it reduces mental agitation, attention deficit disorder, and hyperactivity in children.

All these factors discussed above are required for proper growth and development of a child, which is considered to be rapid during childhood.

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