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Overview of Tableau Services Manager

Tableau Services Manager (TSM):

You can use Tableau Services Manager (TSM) to set up and manage Tableau Server. TSM is required for Tableau Server on Microsoft starting with version 2018.2, as both a CLI and also as a Web UI.


Tableau Service Manager provides command-line and browser-based TS (Tableau Server) setting and management opportunities for server handlers, including operating assignments such as supporting server data, returning backups, building log files, and maintaining multi-node bunches. For illustration, you work TSM to complete the following assignments:

TSM restores the preceding equipment from past versions of Tableau Server for management familiar with newer versions of Tableau Server:

See Equating Tabadmin and Tableau Service Manager features to see many variations among these outdated management devices and TSM. See Migrate from Tabadmin to TSM CLI for more detail on how to transfer tabadmin controls to Tableau Service Manager command-line commands.


Tableau Service Manager includes processes (hereinafter referred to as services) and customers. TSM services are administration tools that manage the processes of the Tableau Server. Since TSM is configured, TSM processes operate continuously, even though the majority of the Tableau Server is offline.

TSM running processes, even if Tableau Server is ended include:

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