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In the long run, efficacy doesn’t matter. Provided that you are progressing, doing creating your way, and what interests you, you’re fine. In terms of where you should be in 35 hours of playtime, hard for me to tell, once I began, RS gold was substantially different than it is now, and also the rate of progress was distinct. Wiki and I’ll carry on to google the hell out of what. It’s been fun, I only agree with your post that things would be much better when I had my hands held through the UI and the basics. I’ll get there eventually. I am presuming RuneScape becomes social as you level up–it is pretty lonely right now.

I tried to appreciate RS3. Idk if its the art style but I feel as though idk where I’m. Not sure if nostalgia goggles for OSRS but I am constantly confused. The amount of (at least me) non-user friendly menus makes it such a mess and very confusing on how the UI works to where id instead use the legacy one just so I have some kind of order. With that I might never learn the new battle since the UI was bothersome to use. I already know what I am performing in rs3 and in osrs its. I really do appreciate the toolbelt and also the quality of life matters. The xp bypassing though does disturb me as I simply feel as though u can just bypass the grind more or less so that which feels significantly less rewarding. Because its easier to comprehend Individual who played back in the afternoon to return to it to play OSRS.

RS3 is a fantastic game that was complete, it is just packaged very badly and exceptionally overwhelming to ex-players. I have played RS because Classic in 03 and played with RS3 article EOC for a while. I like the combat and abilities but I have returned to OSRS since it is more akin to RuneScape I enjoyed. RS3 appears to be tailored to maxed gamers and stuff I don’t have any interest in. Both are great games, but OSRS is comfortable and far more chill which is what I enjoy in an MMO.

I am one of these osrs players after obtaining all elites done on osrs and just not having time for what I want anymore now with work. I’m simply taking rs3 slow and doing it how I want and not being efficient from the gate. I see all of the mad things and occasions but I just ignore it for now, but certainly will feel the pain afterwards when attempting to determine what I should do and what I can dismiss if I want. But I was surprised if you spend a little time 19, how participant rs3 is cash wise. Like mix runecrafting and easy clues are beginning off for you moving.

I’ve played with with RS3 occasionally since 2015 later at least 5 decades of inactivity. Even to this day I feel somewhat overwhelmed with the features, pop ups and occasions; treasure hunter, makeup, the vast amount of distractions and diversions etc., plus they’re not even core features of RuneScape in my opinion; skills and quests are the cornerstones. Evolution of combat took some getting used to but was worth it. I still use the legacy interface for the time being. I can sympathise with those OSRS players coming and feeling overwhelmed and lost.

The larger question is why are runescape 3 gold players giving a go to RS3. RS3 hasn’t done anything to enhance participant experience that was new and OSRS merely had a big Darkmeyer expansion. So, the player experience that is new was updated by Jagex in 2019, prior to that, it was the Ashdale tutorial. However from what I can gather, OSRS players have been burnt out (someone mentioned leagues before as being a possible reason) and are probably only considering RS3 as something familiar, yet different, while they await the burn out.


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