Online Dating vs. Matchmaking Services

“Online dating and matchmaking services are the two leading platforms in the singles’ industry. Know their differences and choose which of these two are fit for your journey of a love unfeigned.”

online dating matchmaking

The rise of technological advancements have paved way for companies to establish engaging websites for socialization. Social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are some of those platforms in communicating with other individuals and in creating connections. These, together with the need of millions of users to connect and socialize, has helped build international relationships that often lead to love and romance.


In line with the widespread internet usage since the 1900’s, individuals from across the globe have discovered ways for a more interesting and exciting romance. What are some examples? — Online dating and matchmaking services. This is not to totally alter the old-fashioned way of scoring a date or finding that one special person, but helps upgrade the established methods for a more improved and successful search for a companion. Now, we can say that out of 10 internet users, 8 of them makes use of these dating platforms.


While these two leading mechanisms share the same goals — which is to help singles find their true love — there are still significant differences which could really change the way users look at it. This will allow daters to compare which among these two is better; including its convenience and accessibility.


Here are some of those:


  • Online dating offers different features in getting matched with your dream partner. One of its features includes the “Personality Test”. This test uses an algorithm which helps in finding out your true self and the kind of partner you’re most compatible with. It is usually done by answering a series of questions for personality based traits. This is an excellent system to use since it assesses both yourself and your future companion. It can be inconvenient for some users however, since it’s a lengthy process.


  • Meanwhile, matchmaking services won’t require much of your time. You only need to fill out your preferences and right after signing up on the website, you will receive letters or messages from women who are also part of said agency. One of the exciting and anticipating features of matchmaking services is the singles event or the so-called romance tours. This allows you to personally meet the women and spend time with them for a maximum of two weeks. Not only do you get to meet them, but also travel abroad where the tour will take place.


  • Online dating is known for casual meetups and hookups. While this is a common occurrence for many users, the dangers of meeting a stranger should always be considered. Scams, frauds, and fake accounts are rampant in the online dating world, which is why being keen and cautious is important. On the other hand, matchmaking agencies provide safe and secure meetups. First encounters happen during the tours, and all aspects including the city visit, is organized for the clients beforehand. The women are also pre-screened and verified, which adds to the legitimacy of said services..


  • According to the American Psychological Association, online dating can lower self-esteem. Users who get engaged with this kind of dating, especially with Tinder, have low personal satisfaction with their bodies and how they look. Jessica Strubel, Ph.D., of the University of Texas, quoted that being actively involved with Tinder will most likely be associated with body shame and dissatisfaction. This is also attested by an article in by Kelly Burch, which says that online dating affects mental health. This is in turn, is related to depression, which is the result of being rejected often online.


  • Matchmaking services allow you to choose between different women of a specific agency or site. Women who sign up for these services tend to choose older men rather than millennials who keep themselves busy with modern hobbies and interests, such as online games. Millennials are heavily influenced with hook-up culture, as what’s being stated in Psychology Today (Doomed to Be Single? 5 Reason Millennial Worry, Peg Streep).


  • This study shows that the lack of intimacy and commitment may have altered the true essence of relationships; prompting younger generations to prefer remaining single. Moreover, women under 30 choose partners who are ready to build a family, is mature enough for marriage, and has good traits in decision making. In the Philippines, many younger women marry older men for these reasons. This is an example of how matchmaking sites have become mainstream in the singles’ industry today.


Consider all these facts about online dating and matchmaking services. Learn the basics of these dating platforms, so you can choose which one fits your interests best. Both share the same advocates — to find a lasting relationship. With all the factors disclosed here, which option is your best choice?




  • Craigslist vs. Philippine Women



  • Jessica Strubel, Ph.D., of the University of Texas


  • (written by Kelly Burch)


  • Psychology Today (Doomed to Be Single? 5 Reason Millennial Worry, Peg Streep)

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