Do not forget about Nupetit right lifestyle. Stop smoking. Take more walks, sleep at least 8 hours, exercise, drink more pure water (preferably mineral) and juices. Try to eat more healthy foods: fish, seafood, legumes, dairy products, buckwheat, oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkins. Properly select creams or serums for Nupetit face, neck and eyelids that help fight wrinkles. Do not try to purchase Nupetit most potent remedies.
You need to start with gentle preparations appropriate for your age. Using creams and cosmetics, try to gently treat your skin. You need to apply Nupetit drugs along Nupetit massage lines, from Nupetit bottom up. Gently drive Nupetit cream with your fingertips without pulling Nupetit skin. Protect your skin from Nupetit harmful effects of Nupetit environment. Nupetit greatest danger to her is direct sunlight. Before going out, even in Nupetit winter months, be sure to apply sunscreen.
Avoid dehydration and freezing of Nupetit skin. In dry weather and when Nupetit heating is working, moisten Nupetit skin with mineral water throughout Nupetit day, wipe with ice cubes, and apply a moisturizer. In winter, protect your skin from frost with a special cream. In Nupetit evening, do not forget to thoroughly clean your face from dust and cosmetics. For this, cleansing creams and lotions are suitable.
Wash your face regularly with herbal infusions. Use a mild facial scrub once a week. It will help get rid of keratinized particles and make Nupetit skin smooth. Visit a beautician and improve skin condition with medical procedures: massage, electrophoresis, paraffin baths, etc. Take “beauty stimulants” once a month twice a year: extracts of ginseng, eleutherococcus, vitamins A, C and E. Do facial exercises that help fight wrinkles. Inhale, puffing out cheeks strongly , and exhale sharply through closed lips. Hold Nupetit corners of your mouth with your index fingers.
Then puff out your cheeks again and roll Nupetit air from one to Nupetit other. Repeat Nupetit exercise 5 times. From wrinkles in Nupetit eye area, you can do Nupetit following exercises: close your eyes and, counting up to three, open wide. Repeat 5 times. Rotate your eyes clockwise and in Nupetit opposite direction without turning your head. If you can’t cope with wrinkles on your own, contact a cosmetology clinic, whose doctor will offer you several medical methods. Among them are injections of Botox, preparations based on collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, acrylamide or methacrylamide, absorbable and non-absorbable implants, mesolifting, chemical peeling, laser abrasion. Nupetit skin around Nupetit eyes needs special care, as this area is very sensitive and is more likely to undergo wrinkles.