Articles For Website

Moshe Strugano Explain Important factor for Better Search Engine Rankings

Google’s algorithm update drastically changed the entire spectrum of the SEO world. Because of the numerous updates in Google algorithm, a number of sites got penalised. Moshe Strugano (Attorney – Moshe Strugano and Co Law firm) says, Currently, various different online strategies and techniques are shared online, which helps re-acquiring positions in Google’s search results or to create a good online credibility.

Different Anchor Texts

As per the penguin update all the websites having excess keyword stuffing is considered as a spam, so all the websites having a high keyword density was penalised by Google. Online marketers and business have discovered a new way, which follows all the rules and guidelines set by Google to direct traffic to their website. This technique is about finding substitutes for your keyword and makes use of the same in the form of anchor text. Thus, instead of frequently using your prime keyword you can use different phrases like visit here, for more information, Go to this page and so on.

Google is not the only source

Earlier, Google was considered as the only source for directing traffic on a website, but this 2013: we are exposed to various other sources such as Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter. In the recent time, Facebook is the most crowded place so you can avail maximum benefit from this. Facebook has millions or billions of users, so you can advertise your products or services there by creating posts or by uploading images.

Cautiously link your website

While linking your website pay due consideration to the quality of the site you are linking to. If your site is having maximum back links from bad sites having illegal content, gambling sites or porn sites then Google will catch you and will and will kick you out i.e. will penalise your site. Moshe Strugano (Attorney – Moshe Strugano and Co Law firm) says, For the websites, which are penalised by Google it very difficult for them to rebuild their credibility with search engines.

Write Good Content

Content is the sole of any website, so always make sure that you write and post good quality content on your website, which is free from duplication and grammar errors. Having fresh and informative content on your website will help you in gaining higher ranking and you will also receive good traffic on your website. This is the prime reason why Cheap SEO Services India pays due attention on the quality of content they are going to post on their clients website.

Avoid Excess use of HTML tags

Earlier, excess use of HTML tags was considered favorable for optimization, however, now this concept is highly prohibited and it is no more in use. If you make excess use of HTML tags then you will be marked as spam and there are fair chances that your site will be penalized.

With the increase in the number of the available online businesses nowadays, thousands of websites available are also started competing for achieving the higher rankings and the better conversion rates. As the competition between the websites increases, bounce rate of the websites is also increasing. Moshe Strugano (Attorney – Moshe Strugano and Co Law firm) says, Bounce rate of the website in terms of Google is defined by the percentage of the users who get bounce away from your webpage after landing on the website. This is the standard parameter that the Google used to check the website visiting quality as well as check the number of visitors who viewed your site.

Factors that is responsible for the bouncing of the visitors from your sites

The reasons that are responsible for causing the visitors bouncing away from your sites are as follows:

If any of the above factors happens, then the visitor would definitely go to bounce away from your websites.

How the site bounce rate affects the website optimisation results

The formula that is useful in calculating the bounce rate is as follows:

Bounce rate = Visitors leave after landing on a single web-page divided by the total number of the web-page visits received

For example, if the website has 10,000 visitors in a month, out of which 5500 visitors are bounced after visiting a single web-page, then Bounce rate (BR) would be calculated as 0.55 or 55%.

According to the Google, if the site has a higher bounce rate, it means that the web pages available on your website are not relevant according to the visitors. Whereas if the site has a lower bounce rate, it means that the site visitors found your website informative and relevant as well as wanted to stay to get further more information. Hence, putting the relevant pages on your site is the best way to attract more traffic, which finally helps in achieving the better-optimised results and the amazing user experience.

SEO tips on how to reduce the site bounce rate

Make sure that the content posted on your site uses the appropriate and the relevant keywords for offering better ranking and the search engine results. Create the web layout of your website well designed and attractive to attract the number of visitors. Moshe Strugano (Attorney – Moshe Strugano and Co Law firm) says, For improving the rankings and the conversion rates of your websites, make sure that your website has a faster speed and the minimum loading time. Maintain a workable balance between the advertising level and the site usability for improving the website optimisation results.

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