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The week sees the release of the long awaited Bounty Hunter rework. Bounty Hunter (known as BH) is a player killing minigame located in the Wilderness.Originally released in December 2007 as part of the highly controversial update that saw the removal of PvP from the Wilderness, its first incarnation was confined to buy rs3 gold a single crater and was intended as a substitute for Wilderness player-killing. Although the August 2007 archive of RuneScape that Old School’s servers were based on predated the Bounty Hunter update, both players and the development team expressed interest in bringing it back in a revised form. It was subsequently released in 2014 as a single-world activity that exists separately from and alongside traditional Wilderness PvP.


The Bounty Hunter interface has been updated, giving more details about the target and other minigame-related info.
Points are no longer granted from exchanging mysterious emblems, now being earned from killing targets.
Mysterious emblems that existed prior to 17 October were transformed into archaic emblems, which can still be exchanged to purchase items the original Bounty Hunter Shop.

Bounty Tasks have been added, giving additional points if successfully completed.
Hotspots have been added, giving additional benefits if killing targets there.
New items have been added to the store: bounty crates, bounty target teleports, decorative emblems and bounty hunter hats.

Getting a target

While logged into Bounty Hunter world (currently world 319) and in the wilderness, an interface containing the target system will appear in the top-right of the game client. The target system will then track down another player close to their combat level and will match both up as targets. The assigned target can attack players regardless of combat level difference.

Bounty Tasks

Bounty tasks are sets of tasks that players can opt into in order to be eligible for additional bounty points. These can be enabled by clicking “Bounty Tasks” once the Bounty Hunter interface appears, and can be disabled by clicking the Bounty Task Configuration icon (Bounty Hunter – task config) and clicking “Block Bounty Task notifications”.

Players have 30 minutes to complete the task, and can skip Bounty Tasks up to three times a day. Upon completion of a task, 10 bounty points are awarded. The list of possible tasks are as follows:

Should at any point players violate the task’s conditions or leave the Wilderness, players can no longer use their existing target to complete the task. For example, if players have to deal 150 damage using magic before killing their target, leaving the Wilderness resets the amount of damage dealt, and if players use a special attack on their target while having a task that requires killing them without using one, killing them will not count for the task and players must try again on another assigned target.

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