Magento 2 Etsy Integrator Extension By Knowband

Knowband offers Etsy Magento 2 Integration extension which provides an effective approach to integrate the Etsy marketplace with their Magento 2 website. The Etsy Magento 2 connector extension integrates your eCommerce store with the Etsy marketplace by using the Etsy API. After successful integration, you can update and list your products on the Etsy marketplace from the backend of this integrator even without even visiting the marketplace.

How can the sellers sell their products on Etsy Marketplace?

Etsy Magento 2 integration allows the sellers to sell their products on the popular marketplace in 4 simple steps.

Step 1: Create a seller’s account on Click Here for detailed information regarding seller registration in the Etsy marketplace.

Step 2: Step an App on Etsy. Generate the API key, Secret Key and other related details.

Step 3: Install the Magento2 Etsy integration extension is your Magento2 store. Copy the API and other required details in order to establish the connection between the stores.

Step 4: Once the connection is established, you can create profiles and list the products based on the profile. You are now ready to sell the products.

Features of Etsy Magento 2 Integration extension:

1. Hassle-Free Integration: Etsy Magento 2 Integration extension connects Magento 2 eCommerce store and Etsy marketplace in an easy way and can be set up in just a few clicks.

2. Real-time Synchronization: The real-time synchronization feature of the Magento 2 Etsy connector plugin reduces the time and effort consumed in manual synchronization.

3. Profile-based Listing: With the help of the profile-based listing, the Magento 2 Etsy integrator extension allows the admin to manage the inventory in bulk which helps in saving time.

4. Bulk Product Upload: The Etsy Magento 2 connector plugin allows admin to map the categories of the store to the Etsy marketplace. The mapping of the categories helps to upload products in bulk.

5. Manage products from the backend: Admin can view the list of all the products from backend without visiting the marketplace with the help of the Etsy Magento 2 integrator extension.

6. Product Mapping: Admin can map the products of his store to the Etsy marketplace. The mapping option helps in bulk uploading of the products.

7. Manage Orders: The Magento 2 Etsy Connector allows admin to sync the orders received from the Etsy marketplace with the Magento 2 store and these orders can directly be processed from Magento 2 store.

8. Change the Order Status: The synchronization tab of Magento 2 EtsyIntegration extension allows admin to change the order status by just a few button clicks.

9. Track Errors: The Etsy Magento 2 connector extension allows admin to track the errors that occurred while product listing.

10. Create Shipping Templates: The admin gets to create their shipping templates for the Etsy customer as per their convenience via Magento 2 Etsy integrator extension.

Related Addons:

1.)Magento 2 Ebay Integration plugin

2.) Magento 2 Google Shopping Integration plugin

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