knee replacement or total hip replacement surgery

There are numerous elders across the world that is undergoing total hip replacement surgery each year. There are several reasons why elderly people experience pain in the hip joint and the other areas. The most painful and the most common amongst the disease is arthritis. The surgeons usually follow the traditional lateral technique to get access to the hip joint. However, there is another technique that is more advanced and which also minimizes the hip dislocation risk. It is an invasive anterior approach.

Usually the total hip replacement does not lead to hip dislocation but still it is always wise to take some important precautions so as to nip even the minimum of possibility to avoid any such mishap. The precautions ideally include some restrictions on the movements of the hips and the positioning of the hips after the operation, especially during the first six weeks post operation. This stage is very important for the foreign hip to adjust to the body. It is also crucial for the adjoining hip joints and bones to get healed gradually.

The precautions after the total hip replacement are mainly three types: the patients must not sit with their legs crossed or stand for long period of time. They should not bend their hips after a certain angle. There are strictly some do’s and do not’s that are given to the patients that are to be followed very strictly. Once the total hip replacement is over, the doctor will specifically mention how much weight a patient is allowed to carry on the knee replacement leg.

The hips move in sequence with the patient’s toes. In case a patient turns his toes inwards, there is an internal rotation. Such twists are strictly not allowed for the patients during the period of recovery after the knee replacement. Bending the knee at more than 60 degree angle is also not permissible for a knee replacement patient. Try checking out whether your hip and knee angles are correct or not. How to do it? Well, sit on a chair comfortably. If the knee and the hip are in the same angle and level, then your hips are in the correct angle.

Also never bring your legs up to your chest as that increases the risk of hip dislocation. Also if you have low easy chairs at your home, add cushions and pillows to increase the height of the chairs as that will make it easier and simpler for you as a patient of knee replacement to sit and stand up from the chair. Always sit on chairs that have arm rests on them.

Also the partial knee replacement surgery has a great benefit, it does not replace the entire knee, and it only replaces that portion of the knee which has been worn out. This is a brand new concept and is adored by all the patients and the doctors alike. The medical sciences have enhanced a great deal in the past few years, but the recovery of the knee replacement or the total hip replacement surgery depends on the attitude of the people and also on his determination.

Dr. Sunil Rajan is one of the Best knee replacement surgeons in Indore for knee replacement surgery. Dr. Rajan has been providing joint surgery in his  clinic for 22 years at a very low price. Dr. Rajan is the most experienced knee replacement surgeon in MP. If are you looking the best Hip replacement surgeon in Indore for hip replacement surgery, you should come to the Dr Rajan’s knee clinic. Book an Appointment today call us at  9826200015 for more information.

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