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KL Ads is a professional platform developed promote advertising

KL Ads is one of the best digital marketing agency in Hyderabad, we provide all marketing services at one place including digital marketing, indoor advertising, outdoor branding, in-store advertising

We develop and describe a framework for research in digital marketing that highlights the touch points in the marketing process as well as in the marketing strategy process where digital technologies are having and will have a significant impact. Using the framework we organize the developments and extant research around the elements and touch points comprising the framework and review the research literature in the broadly defined digital marketing space. We outline the evolving issues in and around the touch points and associated questions for few- true research. Finally, we integrate these identified questions and set a research agenda for few- true research in digital marketing to examine the issues from the perspective of the firm.
KL Ads is one of the best digital marketing agency in Hyderabad, we provide all marketing services at one place including digital marketing, indoor advertising, outdoor branding, in-store advertising

We develop and describe a framework for research in digital marketing that highlights the touch points in the marketing process as well as in the marketing strategy process where digital technologies are having and will have a significant impact. Using the framework we organize the developments and extant research around the elements and touch points comprising the framework and review the research literature in the broadly defined digital marketing space. We outline the evolving issues in and around the touch points and associated questions for few- true research. Finally, we integrate these identified questions and set a research agenda for few- true research in digital marketing to examine the issues from the perspective of the firm.
In our discourse, we examine the research issues in digital marketing from the perspective of the firm – that is, we examine the strategic, tactical and implementation implications of the research conducted in the domain of digital marketing and focus on sub- stantive issues of managerial relevance rather than on behavioral or methodological research per se. However, these issues could lead to fundamental questions that could be answered in the domains of consumer psychology, marketing analytics, economics, or computer science.In order to be as comprehensive as possible in covering the key substantive research developments in the area of digital marketing, and given our focus, we have narrowed down our search without compromising the representativeness. Our search for relevant literature focuses on four marketing journals: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Marketing, focusing on articles published between 2000 to 2016.We started at Web of Science and searched for articles with the keywords “digital” or “online” as either the research topic or part of the article title, which provided us with 305 “seed articles”. As we read these papers, we eliminated those that were not directly relevant and in- cluded other relevant papers cited in these seed papers. This expanded our list to other journals not covered in our initial search. For each topic discussed in our paper, we selected the earliest papers in this list, and added a few most frequently cited papers in that topic to discuss under each topic making up our review.To this list we also added the most recent papers to render the review as current as possible. Thus, the review of extant research is not meant to be exhaustive but rather representative in order to cover the issues with sufficient depth and focus on future research issues appropriately.
Our review complements recent review articles on digital marketing and related topics. The article by Yadav and Pavlou (2014) focuses on marketing in computer-mediated environments and reviews literature in both marketing and information systems. The article by Lamberton and Stephen (2016) focuses on consumer

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