Choosing best keywords is considered the most important aspect of Search Engine Optimization. While choosing the right keywords for building attractive content, the greed of inserting more than necessary keywords is immense. One purpose of choosing keywords is to target wider viewership. So, listing keywords to drive target traffic and content suitability makes the whole process of keyword selection not as easy as it initially seems. You need to have the vision, wit, and a good amount of search experience.
Tips to Select Keywords
SEO with long tail keywords
The most competent keywords have millions of searches. To get counted at the beginning of search results, enhance keywords with additional phrases or words to make them unique. It is a great way to attain high rankings.
Use Moderately Competent Keywords
Most SEO Sydney professionals prefer to use moderately competent keywords instead of too low or very high end keyword.
Primary Keyword(s) and supporting keywords
You must differentiate between Primary Keyword(s) and supporting keywords that must be scattered within the content to create natural content.
You cannot rush and learn the tricks of the SEO trade overnight. Identifying right keywords will come with experience. You can get help of certain online tools which assist SEO professionals in selecting best keywords for your web content. A little pre-work is essential in identifying the demography and expectations of your viewers. You can take help the below mentioned tools for keyword selection.
Google Keyword Planner
Google is the most renowned search engine and it offers a supportive keyword search tool in Google keyword planner. It has been tried and tested by us and we can say that it is best tool, without any doubt, to have an insight on your desired keywords.
This tool from Google can be availed after you register with Google. When you login into your Google account you are taken to the home interface. You have to open tools menu and enter the keywords that you wish to include in your pages and press Get Ideas. Data showing average monthly searches count and competition status will appear. The current trends for the entered keyword will be displayed in graphical form.
If your keywords are in trend then they will be shown with rising figures for current period. You have to keep a check on these trends that keep on changing with time and search patterns. As a general rule of thumb select keywords with above average competition and volume of searches.
WordTracker Tool
The next tool used by Search Engine Optimization professionals in Sydney is WordTracker. If you are relying on Google Keyword Tracker then use WordTracker to get a second opinion. This will be highly rewarding for those who are new in this field. What we like about WordTracker is that it combines results from search engines like Yahoo, Bing in addition to Google. The only limitation is that you have to pay for it unlike Google which is a free tool. If you want to see its capabilities you can use its limited features for a trial period of 7 days.