
Key Steps to Crafting a Top-Notch Research Paper

Every college and university student is asked to compose a research paper at least once during his or her academic journey. As a result, they usually feel anxious and even depressed since writing a research paper is a difficult and time-consuming assignment. First of all, it requires a bunch of research. Second, to accomplish the paper, you should have solid writing skills and the ability to organize them concisely. Finally, you have to be able to work under a tight deadline and juggle your research project with the other academic tasks.

Regardless of the issues given above, writing a research paper is an integral part of academics, which means you should embrace it with open arms. Writing a comprehensive project requires both research and analytical skills. Your task is to have as many findings as possible on the given topic and piece them together to form a meaningful interpretation.

To make the process of writing a research paper easier for you, we have covered the key steps to producing a winning research paper. However, before we dive into the process, let us briefly define what a research paper is and what you need to include in it.

What Is a Research Paper & Why Is It Important?

A research paper is a study that you perform by yourself or analyze across various online and print information sources and share in a report. As a rule, the paper includes a hypothesis, tests, and a concluding section as to what your findings are. In other words, a research paper is a well-organized report done by an undergrad that includes researching a topic, taking your stand on it, and providing examples and evidence for your position on the issue.

Research papers are an important part of the academic process because they enable you to share unique findings on a specific question. College professors consider these papers as the number one tool for sharing your findings with fellow friends and tutors engaged in your or similar fields of study.

What You Should Include in a Research Paper

Before you get your hands on the process of writing, make sure you know the basic elements of the project. A well-organized and written research paper comprises the following sections:

  • Abstract

Provide an abstract at the beginning of your project. Your abstract will include a brief summary of the key elements of your research paper.

  • Intro

Use an introductory section to inform your target audience on what they are going to learn from your work.

  • Headings

Provide various (sub)headings in order to organize the parts of your project.

  • Footnotes

Provide any additional notes, if necessary.

  • The Body

Discuss your findings and support them with solid evidence and examples.

  • Conclusion

Sum up your findings and provide the channels for further research.

  • References

Give the list of the information sources used for your research.

  • Appendix

Include any supplementary or additional information.

You can also use some alternative options and buy a research paper for college on the web. Your purchase will enable you to see how experts tend to structure and write research papers.

Now that you’re aware of all the elements that a standard research paper comprises, it is time to focus on the main steps that you have to take to build a winning project.

Choose a Topic

When you’re aware of all the requirements given by the tutor, it’s time to decide what you’d like to write about. This can be hard, but make sure to choose to write about something that you’re interested in or even passionate about. Don’t hope to find the perfect topic. In most cases, choosing a controversial issue can be ideal; however, before you do that, ensure you know how to explain various positions and defend yours.

Check the instructions given by your tutor to help choose the most interesting topic. If there’s a topic that you would like to discuss, you don’t know how to fit it into the guidelines, it’s better to select something else. In the long run, it will be easier for you to work with a topic that fits the assignment. You have to be engaged in the chosen topic, but there’s no need to love it. Besides, don’t forget that your research paper serves as an opportunity to learn more about something you’re passionate about or even something new. By the end of the process, you will be a real expert in the chosen topic or even area of study. But that’s OK if you don’t know everything right now.

Build an Outline

Don’t just directly into the writing process. Instead, begin your work with an outline. After all, you need to stay well organized so you always stick to the topic.

First of all, come up with a clear and concise thesis statement. As a rule, it includes a sentence or two that sums up your argument and is placed at the end of your introduction. Make sure your thesis statement always comprises two key elements: your argument and the why question in it. When your thesis statement is clear, it’s time to identify the supporting points that you will use to answer the why question. When you’re done with a short summary of your thesis statement and the points to support it, make sure to use Roman numerals or bullet points in order to structure your paper. Check the instructions given by the tutor to make sure you’re on the right way. If you need help, feel free to use your college resources.

Use your outline in order to go through what you’re going to write in your paper. What are you going to include in your introduction? What information will your body include? How are you going to conclude your work? Consider these questions to add more details to your outline.


And now we’re about to focus on the core part of the research paper – research! There are different ways to do research on your topic. However, you have to stay focused and move fast. After all, you still have to accomplish your project. Here are some key things to keep in mind when you do your research: skim, choose trustworthy resources, do not ignore the information.

First, it’s time for skimming. There’s no need to read every bit of information available on your topic. After all, you can’t read it all. Make sure to read through things fast. Highlight the key points and arguments, but don’t try to read every other word.

The next step includes searching for trustworthy resources. If the first thing that you think of is Wikipedia, make sure to use it only to get familiar with a topic and quickly understand the key issues of the chosen field of study.  However, when it comes to the information to use in your research paper, you have to look for it from trusted resources.

Third, do not ignore the information. You’re going to read a bunch of articles; however, just because you find one source stating that something is true, that doesn’t mean it is a proven fact that you can use as the basis for your research. Do your best to check all points of view available on your topic or talk to an expert who can provide you with the right explanations on the given topic.

Start with the Body

You may already have your favorite approach to deal with a research paper, but a lot of undergrads tend to start from the body section. If you do so, you will find it easier to write the introductory section and the conclusion. Check some of the core tips:

  • As you write, keep your thesis statement in mind. No matter what details you decide to include in your paper, ensure everything you write is linked to your thesis statement.
  • Provide a topic sentence at the beginning of every body paragraph. At the same time, you have to end every paragraph with the so-called transition sentence that ties the paragraph with the one that follows.
  • Use the third person. Use the terms like “I think” or “I am” in a narrative paper only.
  • Give enough evidence to support your points. As you write, ensure to make notes of the sources that you used to be able to get back to them later. Thus, you will have an opportunity to include proper in-text citations.
  • Check your style guide. If you’re using MLA style, you will have to avoid contractions and make sure your in-text citations stick to a specific structure.
  • Avoid fluff. It is important to convey your message effectively when it comes to a research paper. Make sure you write concisely and clearly.

As you write, ensure to consult your outline for guidance.

Final Touches

When you’re done with the paragraphs for the body section, make sure to get back to the beginning of the paper. Build your introduction so that it establishes your topic clearly. Include your thesis at the end of the opening part. Then circle back to the end of the research paper and conclude it. Restate your thesis statement, reference the points you have made, and ensure you do not include any new information.

Now make sure to re-read your research paper and edit it. If there’s repetition, come up with some suitable synonyms to make your prose stronger. Check your text for punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Even better, you can approach some of your friends or family members to ask them to take a look at your paper with a fresh pair of eyes. Believe it or not, but they can do wonders.


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