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Joint Replacement Surgeon | BMR HOSPITALS | Dr. Busireddy Narendra Reddy | Best Orthopaedician Surgeon

Sai Bhaskar Hospitals

At Sai Bhaskar Hospital, we have a team of expert orthopedic surgeon who use the latest techniques and technology to improve care for people with the musculoskeletal problems. We have a team of who have recognition both nationally and internationally for their surgical technical excellence and modern techniques to resolve both simple and difficult orthopedic problems.

Total Knee Replacement

A total knee replacement (TKR) is a surgical procedure whereby the diseased knee joint is replaced with artificial material. During a total knee replacement, the end of the femur bone is removed and replaced with a metal shell and the end of the lower leg bone (tibia) is also removed and replaced with a plastic piece with a metal stem. Patients with damaged knee joint either due to Trauma, Osteoarthritis or any other cause should consider knee replacement to get rid of the pain and diminishing daily function in order to maintain the quality of life . In short it could be said that Total Knee Replacement Surgery is one of the best solutions for osteoarthritis.

There are no specific risks of the procedure besides the usual complications associated with anaesthesia and any other general surgery like shortness of breath, pulmonary embolism, nausea vomiting, shock etc. Besides there can be occassional bleeding in the knee joint and or injury to blood vessels and nerves etc. These days Total Knee Replacement in India is preferred by lot of overseas patient because of cost as well as shorter hospitalization and quick recovery. Patient is generally made to walk next day after the knee replacement surgery in India.

In India patient is made to walk next day after the knee replacement surgery. After the knee replacement surgery the physiotherapy regime starts in 48 hrs. The therapist will help the patient in walking and reinstating the movement of the knee. The knee will be in an immoboliser which will be removed after the doctor deems it fit to be done. Patients will start walking using a walker and crutches after the knee replacement surgery. Eventually, patients will learn to walk up and down stairs and grades. A number of home exercises are given to strengthen thigh and calf muscles.

In a newer approach with better results of knee replacement surgery a protocol has been established by the team at one of the best hospitals for knee replacement surgery in India, BMR Hospitals, Guntur India.

Spine Surgeries

In the spine surgery the bone used for procedure is usually taken from another bone in the body, most often from the hip. This does not damage the hip and makes the fusion more stable. If needed, a small surgery on the hip will be performed at the same time as the spine surgery. The outcome of the spinal neurology at BMR Hospital, Guntur will be satisfactory and will give a best treatment for healthy life to the patient. This will prove to be a rebirth for spinal neurology patients in AndhraPradesh & Telangana.

What Is A Spinal Cord?

The spinal cord is a collection of nerves that travels from the bottom of the brain down your back. There are 31 pairs of nerves that leave the spinal cord and go to your arms, legs, chest and abdomen. These nerves allow your brain to give commands to your muscles and cause movements of your arms and legs.

What Is A Spinal Cord Injury?

Although the hard bones of the spinal column protect the soft tissues of the spinal cord, vertebrae can still be broken or dislocated in a variety of ways and cause traumatic injury to the spinal cord. Injuries can occur at any level of the spinal cord. The segment of the cord that is injured, and the severity of the injury, will determine which body functions are compromised or lost. Because the spinal cord acts as the main information pathway between the brain and the rest of the body, a spinal cord injury can have significant physiological consequences.

Disc Replacement Surgery

Sometimes a disc, the cushion that separates your vertebrae, can slip out of place, press on a spinal nerve, and cause back pain. In a discectomy, the surgeon removes all or part of the disk. A surgeon removes the damaged spinal disc and inserts an artificial one between your vertebrae. After disc replacement surgery patient can bend or move their spine. Recovery time may be shorter than for a spinal fusion, too.

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