Infertility Treatment at Parijatak
Infertility is spoken of as a stigma in many parts of the world and it needs reliable treatment methods which can help cure the problem. Infertility or the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception is curable in many cases.Many causes have been cited which have created ripples in a happily married couple. Let’s find out the ways of curing it of the experts at Parijatak Ayurveda, the place known as the best infertility hospital in Nagpur.
Causes of Infertility
The cause of infertility in most cases is that the couples can’t be determined using the currently available methods of investigation. From Ayurvedic perspectives, ShukraDhatu is responsible for problems related to infertility such as low sperm count treatment or low sperm motility. It has been found thatshukradhatugets affected by various physical and mental causes, and even by serious diseases. Insomnia, anxiety, and depression also add to infertility in a person. If the quality shukradhatuis undesired it can cause infertility in an individual.
Infertility Tests and Treatment
At Parijatak Ayurveda, various Fertility Tests (both male fertility test and female fertility tests) are conducted prior to the commencement of the treatment. Following the fertility tests for men and women, the experts get to know if it will help with counseling and/or proper medication. Counseling is the second step towards treatment after the tests.The couples are given proper counseling by the experts.
This is followed by medication. At Parijatak, the treatment Shodhanchikitsa, also called cleansing therapy, is employed depending upon dominancy of derrangeddoshas. Shodhanchikitsa is implemented depending upon which of the three doshas (Vata, pitta or Kufa) is the main causative agent for infertility in an individual. At Parijatak Ayurveda, the Panchakarma therapies likeAbhyanga (whole body massage) are performed which provide enormous physical and mental relaxation. Uttar Basti treatment helps to cure obstructive pathologies and strengthens the muscles of the urinary tract and reproductive system as well.Several herbal remedies for female infertility are recommended. Curing male infertility, primary and secondary, calls for some basic modulation in lifestyle and food habits.
The rejuvenation therapy potentially invigorates you internally and externally which aids in creating healthier sperms and cure erectile dysfunction. Therapeutic formulations like Chyawanprash, Musalipaak, Rasayana, Kandarpapaak, Kushmandavleha, etc are extremely good for fertility. Natural Foods to cure erectile dysfunction play an essential role in improving count of efficient sperms.
Come in touch with the experts and learn how to cure infertility and its associated problems. Bring happiness to your marital life with Ayurveda. Parijatak is one of the best infertility hospitals in Nagpur which aims to cure Erectile Dysfunction Treatments. If you want help on how to cure your problems, visit Parijatak and get help from experts.