Important Weight Loss Foods for Proper Dieting

While it’s been mentioned before that there are no “magic” or “miracle” foods that will burn fat and make you lose weight instantly, nutrition is important, and there are weight loss foods that will help you feel satisfied, and give you the proper nutrients you need as you make your weight loss journey. The foods themselves do not burn fat, but they make it easier for your body to burn fat because of their certain properties.

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Here are five important foods that you can integrate into your diet with ease.
1. Apples
Apples are loaded with fiber, antioxidants, and are a sweet snack that can fill you up with minimal calories. If you eat an apple before a meal, chances are you’re going to eat less overall than if you ate some other snack or nothing at all. Losing weight is achieved with apples by reducing your caloric intake, and increasing your nutrient intake.

2. Oats
Oatmeal is a great breakfast, and is loaded with fiber and key nutrients for overall health. Rolled oats and steel-cut oats have the greatest amount of fiber – five grams per serving. But even instant oats are a good choice, coming in at three to four grams of fiber per serving. They can even replace breadcrumbs in recipes for a delicious and sneaky way to weight loss.

3. Kale
Kale is loaded with iron, calcium, and fiber. Fiber is key to keeping you full and satisfied for long periods of time. If you feel full, you don’t feel deprived on a low-calorie diet, and you’ll be more successful at losing more weight.

4. Lentils
These legumes blast belly fat and keep your blood sugar in check. Blood sugar spikes can not only help create belly fat, but they also can result in increased appetite and sugary food cravings. Lentils come in many different colors, and all are good for you. You can use them in just about any recipe because they’re so mild, they make a great meat substitute.

5. Quinoa
Pronounced “keen-wah,” this is an ancient whole grain that is packed with protein and fiber. If you have difficulty staying satisfied after a meal, try making more meals out of quinoa.
You’ll see a big difference in how long you stay full. Use it as a replacement for rice, or for breakfast with raisins and walnuts. Quinoa is also good in salads, and can be enjoyed sweetened or savory.

These five foods are some of the best weight loss foods around. They offer nutrient-packed meals and snacks with very little calorie cost. They are important parts of a well-balanced weight loss diet, and are “magic” in their own way for how they can help you lose weight and not feel deprived.

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