I wish I could get into studying, or artwork. Then I could feel as though I’ve accomplished something. Obtaining a level is not an accomplishment. I always tell myself that once I move out of my apartment and into a house, with a drop and much more room, I will get into woodwork or something stead. Who knows when that will be. I hate that I play with RS gold, and I’m considering it if I’m not enjoying about it. Sure, I’ve had something to do in the background, or fun over the years and its a fantastic time waster. But I think is if jagex crumbles and the servers have been turned away. I’ve wasted too much, and too long of my life money with this shit. But I am still here.
I can not imagine anyone in their right mind playing OSRS for thousands of hours and not doing anything different at precisely the exact same time… I see so many people here saying they ought to be doing productive things rather than playing OSRS. Am I wrong in having thought that no one only plays RuneScape and does nothing at the same time? I endlessly read, research, listen to audiobooks, listen to lectures, strategy business strategies etc. while playing RuneScape – and I frankly play a lot at the moment because of lockdown (obtained trapped overseas for months with no way back haha). In fact, if I’m not doing something while playing I feel tired. I would strongly recommend you do this if you don’t man.
Take something you identify as being productive, and do it at the exact same moment. It will also ween you off RuneScape. Maybe it won’t. But at your time increases in productivity. Your article explains why”afk” is a spectrum for this community. Many people play RuneScape and do something else while they are playing, unless it is a highly concentrated activity like raids (and I am sure plenty of people watch shows while raiding). Hell, when I return on my account progression it’s usually tied to what shows/YouTube videos I was watching while doing that grind. I bet a good deal of people may sympathize with me.
You might have heard 69 languages within this time! Etc” belief around. Well, guess what people do what they do in their spare time anyway, except they play with RS at the exact same moment. Similarly about subjects that are serious, I read to you while enjoying – likely more than I would if I did not have the discipline of sitting down and playing for hours at a time. Sure, some folks do go a step too far with RuneScape, but I feel like most people who say stuff like this do it for the drama and appearing like a victim. zomg”
It’s simple to become addicted because of what OP’s picture points out. In my opinion. Approximately 90 percent of RuneScape is a waste of time since achieving a level that is high on a skill isn’t an issue of skill a matter of time. People can literally play RuneScape paying hardly any attention to it while doing anything else, I do not recall a match requiring so little effort and thinking to ever be great.
Contrary to my expectations, it would seem that a lot of old school rs gold players completely agree that RS dependence is severely and real impact people’s lives. That is why I proposed (in a different comment) that this community may be somewhat toxic, as there is constant self-deprecation centered around RuneScape being exceptionally addictive and its players a hopelessly and endlessly addicted group. Originally I found this very funny, but ever so slowly did I start to find it sad and frustrating. As for what you said about 90 percent of RuneScape being predicated around monotonous time investment instead of developing any skill within RuneScape (and the gloomy irony of this being known as the”skill system”), god damn is an eye opener.