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How to cancel Eva Air flight ticket and Reschedule

Plans do change or sudden situations can arise which leave you unprepared at the time of traveling. And as a result, you had to bear the loss of money for the flight that you did not take. But, now such situations can be avoided when the passengers think to travel by Eva Air.

About Eva Air

Eva air is a Taiwanese airline that is headquartered in Taipei. The airline consists of 77 aircraft in its fleet which is used to operate scheduled flight services to 62 destinations across the world. The airline is known for its outstanding services and utmost passenger satisfaction. And to satisfy the passengers, Eva air has introduced many such options for the hassle-free travel of the passengers. One such function is cancelling the flight in easy steps.

Cancelling the EVA Air Flight!

The officials at Eva Air understand that emergencies can be faced by any passenger any time that leaves them unprepared despite a lot of beforehand preparations are done. So, if you are also the one then you do not have to panic and just follow the instructions below to know how to cancel the ticket.

  1. Land on the web browser and visit the official website of Eva Air.
  2. Tap on “Manage My Travel” option from the top and then move further.
  3. Enter the booking reference number or reservation number along with last name and tap “Next”.
  4. Fetch the corresponding booking and then tap on “Cancel Booking” option.
  5. The next option displayed will be the reason for the cancellation. State the valid reason for the cancellation.
  6. Check the refund amount if any applicable in Eva air reservations and then the confirmation of the cancellation will be mailed to you on the email which was entered at the time of booking.

Therefore, with the help of the above steps, the passengers can easily cancel the flight. Another option by Eva Air to save your money is the facility of Eva air flight reschedule. This is applicable in case the passenger is not able to board the booked flight. This option is made available to manage my travel option of the Eva air.

Also, another thing to remember is that the passengers must first go through the Eva Air cancellation policy before cancelling the ticket. This gives the better idea of the refund details.

Want More Information? Dial Eva Air Helpline Number

The passengers who need any kind of help are free to contact Eva Air Helpline number. This helpline is made available 24/7 and the passenger can easily contact without any hesitation.

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