How Safe Is Spray Tanning During Pregnancy?

One of the reasons why tanning salons Tulsa are popular is because they help not only to darken the skin but can leave you with a healthy glow. This is particularly important when you feel frumpy and pale as a result of a pregnancy. However, before going to tanning salons in Tulsa Ok, you will want to find out whether this will be safe for you and your baby. Many of the sunless tanners commonly make use of a color additive known as dihydroxyacetone or DHA.

The spray tanning salons have not been around for long to allow for the testing of the effects of the tan on the unborn baby. However, it is worth noting that DHA has the ability to penetrate the skin. In order to be safe, it is advisable for pregnant mothers to wait until the first-trimester before they can use any tan kind of self-tanners.’

The hormonal changes that can occur during pregnancy can cause unique skin conditions such as sensitivity to the sun. Therefore, instead of developing that gorgeous glow, this could worsen chloasma and melasma in what is termed a pregnancy mask. This is the reason why lightening products that are used to treat hyperpigmentation aren’t recommended during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Even though sunscreens can be used to prevent the condition, the sunless tanners that are used as sun tanning alternative present little or no danger to the pregnant women.

The sunless tanners don’t cause any damage to the skin. The little studies that have been done on DHA indicate that only 0.55% of DHA are absorbed by the skin. This amount is generally considered to be safe even in circumstances when it crosses the placenta.


Many of the spray-on tanners often contain chemicals that react with the surface of the skin to create a dark look. DHA tend to react with the skin and therefore doesn’t wash off. However, the outer layer of the skin will slough off over a period of time to minimize the tan’s appearance. DHA is approved for use as an additive in the cosmetics.


When you spend time in the sun to get a tan, this could cause skin damage especially when you have a sensitive skin. The tanning bed can be harsh on the body and skin when you are pregnant. Therefore, one of the best alternatives to spray tanning is the spray tans. These are the best choices for women who are pregnant.

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