How Much Privacy Do You Want from Balustrade Fence NZ?

Fences with balustrades add a nice touch to just about any location. They increase property value and appeal. They also serve as privacy options, designed for several purposes. Glass balustrade fence NZ is flawless and perfect if you want to achieve that impeccable look, whether indoors or outdoors. You will surely be spoilt for choices when you go online to look for inspiration as well as for the perfect materials to purchase to make your home even more inviting and beautiful.

For your balustrading plans, you will realize that there is a wide variety on the market. Especially now that glass has been making an impact in the construction industry, we see a lot of high-rise buildings that are built with glass walls, balustrades, and staircases. You can have and use both glass and aluminium balustrade fence NZ to restrict views from the inside and the outside, protect a pool area, keep trespassers or pedestrians away, or simply to serve as a property barrier. The question to ask is how much privacy you want from your fence. Here’s some insight on that topic.

Property Line Fencing

If you want a fence to mark your property, security is not a big concern – unless you want a little privacy as well. In that case, your glass fence should have balustrades designed to reduce gaps in between each baluster. These are usually flat panels that are mounted close together. They can be made of stainless steel, aluminium, or even fiberglass. It just depends on how you prefer. If you do not need that much privacy, square balustrades are a great option and can be spread out several inches apart along the bottom and top rails. Rounded balusters are also another option. In fact, you could even choose a curved or wiggle style of balustrades.

Private Areas

If you have an area that you would like to fence off, such as a portion of the backyard, cookout area, or a playground; you have many options for privacy. You may want partial privacy so that you can see outside from the inside area. This comes in handy with children around. In such a case, you can go with the square, round, or curved balustrade systems and have them spaced apart four or more inches. For a particular area that you would like to be barely visible or not visible at all, the flat panel glass and aluminium balustrade fence NZ serve this purpose well and can have no gaps or a small gap under one inch.

Relaxation Areas and Patios

Patios and other chair-filled areas create more relaxation with a fence made of aluminium or glass. The balustrade fence NZ options add an enhanced touch to your comfort zone while inviting visitors to a wonderful place to hang out. If you want an extra amount of privacy, these flat-paneled balustrades work great. But if you are going to uplift the feel and look of the area or allow visibility inside and out, glass balustrade fences are a nice touch.

Balustrade fence NZ is a safety barrier designed to prevent people from falling from heights. Provista’s balustrades comply with all NZ building regulations so you can rely on them to keep you and your family safe and sound.

With a vast range of glass and aluminium balustrades, along with handrails that can be incorporated into the barrier or as a standalone rail, you can rely on Provista for a safe and stylish barrier solution.

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