Great 3.3 Builds For Inquisitor Templar

In this article, I will show you some really great 3.3 builds for Inquisitor Templar, who is focused on elemental damage and do a good job on with both attacks and spells. This is why a lot of players choose to be an Inquisitor in Path of Exile, and with these Inquisitor builds you can do more fun things that you want to do.

Trypanon Vaal EQ / Charged Dash – 1 Million Avg. Damage VS Shaper.
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General map clearspeed with level 77, don’t have typically the increased duration nodes yet.

1. Movement Speed = Clear Speed
2. Fun to play
3. Plenty of offense to not need any defense
4. Can do all map mods except Ele Reflect

You have to stand still to cast Charged Dash

Soul Catcher
This is just what helps make the building shine! Buy one with 39%-40% reduced heart gain prevention and 90% Elevated Damage.

This can lessen Vaal Earthquake’s Soul Prevention from 12 seconds in order to 7.20 seconds whilst Vaal Earthquake itself last 12 seconds so that you can maintain chaining it!

Additionally, this lower’s the soul price by 25%, which means that if you are use Vaal Earthquake at 100% souls then 25% from the souls will stay. It means that if you have 80% souls for Vaal Earthquake and also you consume after that it the souls will be at 100% and you’ll able to to cast it! But you will not possess the 25% spirits remaining like before.

Ascendancy points:

Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgement -> Instruments of Virtue -> Augury of Penitence

Major – Soul of Lunaris and get Thraxia ASAP
Minor – Soul of Tukohama

Help Kraityn or kill all, up to you!

There’s lots of Arc builds available today, many concentrating on traps and totems – individuals are fine builds and sure even more powerful than self-casting Arc, however that does not imply that self-casting is not both viable and incredibly fun. Additionally, this build incorporates lots of good gearing ideas that may be integrated into other Arc builds too, a few of which use such things as Essence Earthworm and Mind over Matter.

They are all the PoE 3.3 Inquisitor builds you may want to notice, you can always buy PoE Currency online on our site. Hope you guys have a happy time in Path of Exile world, just ask us for help once you meet any troubles in the game.

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