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GATE 2019 has released the List of rejected and accepted applications

The candidates who have applied for GATE 2019 or Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Madras has released the list of applications which have been rejected or provisionally only accepted for GATE 2019 examinations. Please note, the admit cards for the candidates whose applications have been rejected, would not be released on

Candidates are advised to go through the lists provided IIT-M. There are three lists of applications – one is accepted list. The other list is of the application number that has been rejected. The other list is of the application number that has been rejected due to duplication. Candidates whose applications have been rejected due to duplication can, however, submit representation and documentation to contest the same. In case no representation is received, these applications would be considered summarily rejected.

List of Enrollment IDs of candidates whose applications are REJECTED as they are found to be Duplicate.

List of Enrollment IDs of candidates whose applications are REJECTED as they are not meeting eligibility requirements.

List of enrollment IDs of candidates whose applications are PROVISIONALLY only accepted.

The admit cards would be released and the candidates would be allowed to appear in the examination. However, they are required to correct the errors, as highlighted in the application. Examination results of the mentioned applications would not be released, until and unless the defects are rectified by the specified dates.

GATE 2019 would be conducted on February 2, 3, 9 and 10. The subject wise schedule would be released at a later date. GATE 2019 Admit Cards would be released on January 4, 2019 on the official website All the candidates are advised to keep a regular check on the official website for important updates regarding the examination.

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