Due to its advanced printing features, Epson printers are one of the printing technologies most frequently used by people around the globe. Greater the features, greater might be its issues. Epson Printer Error Code 0x97 is one of the most common error that now a days people are dealing with. Epson error 0x97 can be problematic, but simply restarting your printer and cleaning it can solve a lot of trouble. Before finding solution to this error, it primarily necessary to know what exactly it is?
What is Epson Printer Error Code 0x97 ?
When there is any internal hardware issue, there Epson Printer Error Code 0x97 comes up with warning. The possible reason of it could be motherboard failure or other inter parts. This often causes the printer to suddenly switch off or stop printing. This error is most commonly seen in Epson Printer model: wf-3620, wf-4630, wf-3640 and 7610. To get your this error fixed quickly, here are few solutions to it, that you can try at your level to get rid of it:
1- Try unplugging and plugging in again:-
* Disconnect all linked wires
* USB drivers can be disconnected
* Remove all cartridges from the printer
* Push down the power to unload all remaining power in the printer.
* Connect all cables and USB devices
* Restore the ink cartridges of the printer
* Turn on the power
* Check if the error message appears again
Even if the problem continue follow this alternative method:
2- Advanced Plugin and Unplug – it:-
* Switch off and unplug the Epson printer
* Detach all USB peripherals and cables
* Wait until the printer cools down for five minutes
* Press and hold the A Minute power button. Don’t let it go!
* Connect the power cord after one minute (DO NOT RELEASE) and hold for an additional minute
* Release button for power. See if there is still an error message
If you have computer problems, Advanced System Care might be worth the effort (click to learn more). CNET describes it as “a PC utility’s Swiss Army Knife.” You get a suite of optimization tools once you download it, including uninstaller, one-click registry fixes, defragmenters, and more.
3- Epson Printer Nozzles Clean Clogged:- Epson users sometimes noted that cleaning the printer’s head nozzles was the right solution for this mistake.
How to Clean Clogged Head Nozzles from Epson Print?
Cleaning your printer safely to steer clear of damaging the internal hardware of Epson is pretty simple.
a) Turn off your printer and, in addition to your computer, unplug it from your power supply.
b) Open the box of the printer.
c) Take a paper towel section, fold it up to fit under the head of the printer.
d) Wet it using any ammonia-like head cleaning fluid.
e) Place the soaked paper towel in the middle of the track where the head of the printer moves.
f) Set the head of the print to the center so that the tissue soaked in ammonia is under it.
g) Let it sit for twelve hours.
4- Printer Troubleshooter from Microsoft:- Microsoft provides printers with a free troubleshooting tool. Try running it to see if any corrections can be suggested.
5- Printer Troubleshooter from Microsoft:- There is a fix to the Trailmaze tech vlogger. He suggests going to the Epson firmware and drivers page that follows. He says this support page from Epson will help you update the firmware of your printer. After downloading it, run it, click all the default settings and update your printer. This fix has apparently worked for a number of users of Epson printers.
6- Cleaning Head & Nozzle:- Use a syringe and a silicon tube to fix partly dried out cyan nozzles. He will walk you through the opening of the upper lid which is the Epson printer’s scanner unit and the cleaning of the printer heads.
How to take care of your Epson Printer?
The tech says you’ll find five simple steps to keep your Epson professional printer running without a hitch. These are:
1- clean it
2- wipe it
3- close it
4- turn it off
5- cover it
Continue with a damp lint-free cloth to keep your printer nice and clean, wipe off the sheet feeder while giving the outside one-off to help keep the dust to a minimum. When you don’t use it, close all the feed and output trays-this should keep unwanted dust away from the printhead and rollers.
If you are still no satisfied with solution, we have another option for you. You can simply call on our Epson Printer Support Number +1(866)(748)(5444) , our Error experts is there 24*7 to help you in case of any emergency.