With an amazingly wide range of perfumes available online, it can get overwhelming for perfume lovers. They want to try out all the scents, wear them every day and smell amazing. However, due to certain situations, it can be a bit difficult to try all the perfumes out without leaving some behind. You cannot use all the at the same time or on the same day without one conflicting the other. Also, it is common human nature to either stick to one thing for long time or keeps switching things leaving the old ones behind. Sincekeeps you need very small quantity of perfume every day, one can get bored on using the same scent for a long time.
This doesn’t mean that you should throw away your old perfumes as soon as you have a new one. You can use all these scents in your everyday life and get your money’s worth. To help you in this, here are some simple yet effective everyday perfume life hacks to use the perfume until the last drop,
Use As A Room Freshener:
If you have a gentle aromatic ladies perfumes lying with you which you do not wish to use anymore, use it to make your house smell good. Spray once or twice on the curtains, on sofa set, on mattresses and anywhere on fabric around your house. You can even spray a little on the artificial flowers if you have some in your house. However, try not to overdo with the spraying. Just 2-3 sprays are enough in one room.
Make Your Wardrobe Smell Nice:
Are you worried about musky smelly wardrobe especially during winter season and monsoon season? Avoid this by adding little cotton balls doused in the perfume of your choice. You can put these cotton balls in nooks and crevices of the wardrobe cupboard. Apart from your regular clothes, you add a little perfume to linen and underwear drawers as well using these perfumed cotton balls. It will be very helpful in adding a gentle layer of fragrance to your clothes and inner garments.
Put It At Work On Hair:
Who doesn’t love good smelling hair? After gym, or at the end of a hard working day when you need to go out or on days when you are too lazy to wash your hair, a good perfume can make your hair smell fresh. Spray your hairbrush with perfume once or twice and comb your hair with it. If you have dry hair, avoid using perfumes with alcohol in them and go for the oil-based or water-based scents.
Make A Little Perfumed Moisturiser:
If you love perfumed moisturisers, you can get one with the help of your perfume. Take any unscented moisturiser, spray twice on the taken amount and mix it before applying all over your body. The moisture from your lotion will hold the perfume molecules sticking them on your skin making you smell like a million buck.
These are some very basic ways in which you can use a perfume until its last drop. You can be a bit creative in using ladies fragrances of your choice in whichever way makes you feel good. It is your perfume and you can use it in any way. The goal here is to use every last bit of the perfume in the most efficient way. Luxury scents are very expensive, these tricks will help you in getting your money’s worth.