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Different colored carnations and their meaning

Carnations are popular all over the world because they last a long time after being cut and come in a variety of colors. They are considered “flowers of God” because their scientific name comes from two Greek words, meaning “flowers” and “god”. They are given on various occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day.

In general, carnations symbolize feelings such as love and passion. However, like roses, carnations come in a colorful rainbow, each of which has a different meaning. The sender should research the different color meanings of this flower before choosing the appropriate arrangement. This will help to make the given bouquet or setting more meaningful. The meanings of different colored carnations are given below.

Red Carnations:

Red carnations symbolize love and admiration. They usually exchange between lovers. However, different shades have somewhat different meanings.

Pink Carnations:

They mainly refer to affection and motherly love. As mentioned earlier, the pink carnations first bloomed when Mother Mary wept as Jesus carried the cross. Since then, the color pink has been an example of protective parental love

Purple Carnations:

Purple carnations are capricious, unpredictable, fickle, and unbelievable. They are often given during significant changes due to their symbolism.

Yellow Carnations:

Yellow carnations indicate frustration and rejection in one another. This meaning is very different from the meanings of other yellow flowers. The sender can give to anyone who is frustrated. They are often not used with the other colors in bouquets.

White Carnations:

White carnations symbolize pure love and good luck. They can be given at someone’s graduation or when someone is leaving. This color of carnations also can be exchanged between lovers, siblings, and friends.

Striped carnations:

Striped carnations mean sadness and rejection. They can be given as flowers of sympathy when someone dies or to inform someone else of an offer rejection.

With the color-specific meanings described above, we know that you are well-versed in the meanings and significance of the different colors of carnations. Make a wise choice for your loved ones!

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