compression socks

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What Do Compression Socks Do?

Throughout the day, the body pumps blood throughout the body. Gravity often causes blood to pool in the lower legs and feet, causing fatigue, leg cramps or even circulatory problems. Compression socks are special socks designed to provide extra support and increase blood circulation. The main purpose of these socks is to provide graduated pressure on the lower leg and foot. If you have any of these issues you may benefit from wearing these socks.

Compression socks are manufactured to compress the leg resulting in blood being forced through narrower channels. The arterial pressure is increased, which forces more blood to return to the heart and less blood to pool in the feet.

While originally designed for people with medical problems now compression socks are widely used by the general population. Travelers can benefit from these socks which may prevent circulatory problems like deep vein thrombosis, leg cramps and edema. Athletes often wear them to give their leg muscles additional support as well as shorter recovery periods. Workers whose jobs require long periods of standing may also benefit from the use of compression socks.

Smartwool Compression Socks for Athletes

Smartwool has incorporated their PhD Technology in some of their technical wool socks with graduated compression. This includes the 4 Degree Elite Fit System which uses two elastics for greater stretch and recovery and keeps the sock in place. Smartwool’s patented ReliaWool Technology in high impact areas of the heel and toes which provides longer lasting protection to keep feet comfortable and makes the socks more durable. There is also strategically placed mesh vents that provide temperature and moisture management. Smartwool’s main fiber used in manufacturing is merino wool which has marked order control capabilities. Merino wool is also well known for being non-itchy.

The PhD compression socks are light, half-cushioned, and protect against shock and abrasion and you will notice improved blood flow, better support, and a shorter recovery time. Smartwool also makes a compression calf sleeve with PhD technology. These are perfect if you want the convenience of being able to remove the compression without changing socks. The compression sleeves are widely used by cyclists and runners but may also provide benefits for hikers and people who participate in snow sports.


If you are interested in more support and faster recovery whether you are an athlete, traveler, worker, or just have circulation issues you will benefit from the Smartwool Compression sock.

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