Compliance under OSHA

OSHA requires employers who are covered under OSHA to give the safe workplace for their employees. In order to prove the safe workplace, the employers should be in compliance. They should also make sure that the employees know their rights on the workplace. Apart from this, OSHA also needs employers to meet the reporting and paperwork requirements. If the employers don’t comply with these, they will be subjected to penalties and fines. So, if you are an employer, you need know the compliance under the OSHA from the following information.

Keeping certain records
OSHA have several rules regarding the record keeping; and it varies from employer to employer; and one set of rules may be applicable for only a few employers. To know them in detail, you have to refer the handbook of OSHA record keeping available in the official website of OSHA. But, there are some generally applicable record keeping rules such as, keeping the records of illness, work related records, or injuries records; and records of the efforts in complying with OSHA and their actions for preventing the workplace illness and the injuries.

Few exceptions of the record keeping requirements are: if your organization have only ten or very few employees, the records are to be kept only if the OSHA particularly asks you to do so; and it is even applicable for the low hazard service or retail industry such as, advertising or banking.

Reporting serious injuries and deaths
Though the employers are covered by the record keeping requirements or not, they have to report about the accident to OSHA within 8 hours after the incident took place, if it results in hospitalization or death of three or more employees. Complaint can be made through a call to the local OSHA office or can be reported directly in person.

Posting information
The employers who are covered under the OSHA should post the information such as, an OSHA poster containing the information about the rights and obligations of the employees under OSHA, recent actions that OSHA officers issued to the employers, employer petition filed for abatement or the modification, etc. In addition to these, if the employer is covered by the OSHA, record keeping of requirements that are explained above is a must. The employer must post the log and summary of occupational injuries and illness. Most of the employers will need only the poster containing “Job safety and health”, and the posters can be obtained from the agency’s website.

Submitting to inspection
As a part of the general enforcement duty or in response to the specific complaint, the compliance officer can inspect your workplace, at any time. Although you can demand for the warrant from the officer before doing the inspection, you need to allow them for inspection once the warrant will be given to you by the officer. During the inspection, if the officer finds that you are violating the law in some or other way, they will issue a citation as well as a notification of the penalty, which informs you about the exact violation, and sets some proposed time for correcting the violation. It proposes a penalty that is however nominal.

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