Coloured Lenses & The Amazing Patterns, Designs And Shades

Are you waiting for some of the best fashion products? Products that will enhance your lifestyle in more ways than one? Then coloured contact lenses are the perfect devices that you could ever ask for. These are the fashion products that everyone is crazy about nowadays, and it doesn’t seem like it will slow down any sooner. Why is that?

These coloured contact lenses are amazing, you can change your eye colour and appearance as you wish. There are different types of coloured contact lenses have the ability to add depth and brightness to your eye colour and effectively make them more gorgeous. Or on the other hand, they can completely enhance the eye colour. So why not use them and beautify yourself whilst looking completely natural?

Want a new and improved look and lifestyle, just the perfect tool for you would be the coloured contact lenses, you would need the special coloured contact lenses like the green contact lenses to enhance your daily lifestyle. From every day at the office to going to parties and enjoying special festivals, then there is nothing better than using the greatness of coloured lenses. Imagine going out of your home every day with a different eye colour and because they will look so natural that no one would be able to figure out what is with your glow

All you have to do is find the right fit of coloured contact lenses that would suit your style and mood. Of course, you also have to make sure that you get the highest quality coloured lenses to ensure that you get the beautiful natural look and also maintain safety.

Why Coloured Contact Lenses Are The Way They Are?

Patterns and Designs

Coloured contact lenses have different patterns and designs on them, that makes them so special. Well, coloured lenses have coloured tints on them that have colours, shades, designs, lines and patterns on them. These patterns and lines match with your eyes’ iris and produce a truly magnificent new colour

So what are colour tints?

Types of Coloured Tints On Coloured Lenses

Coloured contact lenses have different types of coloured tints on them so that they can be used for many different purposes and also different eye colours and shades. Choosing the right coloured lenses  is very important for the coloured contacts to work on you. Let’s discuss the different types of tints in detail.

Visibility Tints

This is one type of a coloured lens whose coloured tint is so faint that you can barely see it. Hence it does not affect our eye colour in any way. They are like that so if you drop them you can easily spot them.

Enhancement tints

Then we have the enhancement tints to take second place. These are more solid tints, a bit translucent so that they easily blend in with the natural eye colour. These enhancement tints add definition to the edges of the iris and produce the colour you want. That is why they are called enhancement tints as they enhance the eye colour

Opaque tints

Opaque tints are completely solid and they do not allow any part of your natural eye colour to show. These tints cover the eyes completely and you would only use them if you want to change your eye colour more boldly.

When To Use These Different Types Of Tints

Colored contacts for light eyes
When you have light coloured eyes you can almost use all the types of coloured tints on offer. Well, the visibility tints aren’t of much use when it comes to enhancing eye colour, but you can change your eye colour quite subtly with enhancement tints, hence they are called enhancement tints. These coloured tints will provide a much defined colours in your eyes and give you the shine you have always wanted. Then you can also use the opaque tints if you want to be bold and change the eye colour completely.

Just make sure you get the right colour, especially with the enhancement tints, you would need the right colour combination to if you want your eyes to produce that wonderful look. Same goes with the opaque tints, yes they would cover the eye colours like you want but they need to blend in with your hair and skin colour.

Color contacts for dark eyes

For those who have dark coloured eye would need to use opaque tints as enhancement tints will never give you the required beauty you want.. The dark eye colour would be too apparent for the lens to have any effect. That is why you would need opaque tints to change the colour to a more beautiful appearance.


In the end these coloured contact lenses are just an amazing accessory and you can never be more careful when buying. Because of their popularity they are sold by everyone nowadays. So make sure you only buy the best quality coloured lenses from the best brands and online stores. Never compromise on the quality of these lenses.


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