Chlortetracycline is an older antibiotic and member of the tetracycline family. It has historically been used to treat avian chlamydiosis. However doxycycline is preferred. Chlortetracycline has also been used for prevention of coccidiosis, caused by E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti, and E. mivati.

Egg Withdrawal Period:
  • In Australia: Chlortetracycline is labeled for use in the drinking water of chickens at doses up to 60 mg/kg (27 mg/lb) for < 5 days with a 0-day egg withdrawal.
  • In Ireland: Chlortetracycline can be fed as part of a medicated feed to laying hens at a dose of 20 to 25 mg/kg (9 to 11 mg/lb) for 5 to 7 days with a 4-day egg withdrawal.
  • In the United States and Canada: Is approved for use in laying hens producing eggs intended for human consumption when its given in accordance with each product manufacturer s label directions.
Side Effects 
  • Photosensitivity
  • Decreased immunity
  • Disruption of normal gut flora
  • More susceptible to infection with secondary pathogens.
We are leading manufacturer and exporter of Euro Asia Chemicals Special (Mycotoxin Binder) and our product is made up of good quality.
Euro Asia Chemicals Special is a multi-component toxin binder specially developed as a complete solution to the mycotoxin problem. Euro Asia Chemicals Special binds to selective mycotoxins found in feed such as AFB (aflatoxins), ZEA (zearalenone), DON (Deoxynivalenol) and OCH (Ochratoxin) and also prevents mould growth in feed stored in the humid environment.
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Feed enzymes have become an important tool to increase the nutritional value of feed ingredients, reduce feed costs, improve the environment, all while maintaining or improving animal performance.
We are leading manufacturer and exporter of Euro Asia Chemicals Special (Enzymes) and our product is made up of good quality.
Benefits of Enzymes: 
Benefits of using feed enzymes to poultry diets include; reduction in digesta viscosity, enhanced digestion and absorption of nutrients especially fat and protein, improved Apparent Metabolizable Energy (AME) value of the diet, increased feed intake, weight gain, and feed–gain ratio, reduced beak impaction and vent plugging, decreased size of gastrointestinal tract.
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The use of acidifiers complexes enables Minimisation of the development of pathogenic flora in feed and/or water and therefore optimises digestive function by promoting beneficial Acidophilus bacteria.
We are leading manufacturer and exporter of EuroasiaChemicals Special (Acidifier) and our product is made up of good quality.
Poultry Water Acidifiers, Acidifier for Poultry Feed, Premium Acidifier for Poultry Feed, Feed Acidifiers As Natural Growth Promoters in Poultry, Acidifiers, Poultry Acidifier, Water Acidifier in Broiler Production, Effects of Water Acidification on Broiler Performance, Effects of acids on poultry production, Effect of Dietary Acidifier on Broiler Chicks Performance, Liquid Acidifiers for Chickens, Poultry Water Treatment, Feed Acidifier For Poultry And Swine, Poultry Acidifier Suppliers and Manufacturers.

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