Leading a healthy life can be a daunting challenge if you can’t get rid of processed foods or can’t exercise regularly. When there are alternate choices for a ...
If you want to keep your skin as well as body sound, the choose Chocolate Massage in Bangalore, a delicious and scrumptious approach, There are n number of ...
Classification: According To Modern Kingdom –Plantae Family – Parpatakula According To Ayurveda Charak- RajaNighantu – ParpatadiVarga ...
The idea of having prosthesis has been in existence for almost 1000 years of man’s history. The early attempts at replacing missing tooth were made using ...
Hysterectomy is a surgery that is used to remove a woman's uterus, where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. Usually during the surgery the whole uterus is ...
What is a Periodontist? A periodontist is a dental practitioner who spends significant time in the avoidance, finding, and treatment of periodontal disease, ...