If you are seeking for a new and awesome lifestyle, then the Caribbean citizenship program is the best option. Caribbean Citizenship by Investment Program gives you the quickest and most straightforward way to accomplish the second passport in Caribbean countries and also gives access to the EU and UK.
Caribbean citizenship provides visa-free travel to more than 152 nations. There are a range of programs with a variety of investment options to choose from.
There are five Caribbean countries offering citizenship through investment namely Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts, and St Lucia are the Caribbean countries providing citizenship through investment through donation or real estate investment options.
These countries are very popular for those who are looking for the second passport and offer them visa-free travel to over 100 – 140 countries worldwide, also it includes access to the EU Schengen zone and the UK. Currently, these countries offer a number of excellent fee reductions.
The programs are popular in the Caribbean and in Latin America. These programs are growing in popularity among high net worth families and individuals. Citizenship by Investment Program makes your dream vacation permanent, as well as income on the other side. Here are some of the Caribbean countries providing the best Citizenship by Investment Program opportunities.
St. Lucia
A tropical Eastern Caribbean Island with a high earning population, high and plenty of landscape to enjoy.
The Citizenship by Investment Program takes an average of three months for the overall approval process. After three months you receive a notice of qualification, you can make the required minimum donation into the investment vehicle you’ve chosen and then you’re granted a Certificate of Citizenship.
The process requires a background check and clean bill of health, along with a donation to any of its investment vehicles.
St. Kitts and Nevis
Two small island forms one nation named St. Kitts and Nevis. The government of this country wishes to encourage foreign investment and growth of its economy through its own citizen by investment program. St. Kitts and Nevis offer a great program, with citizenship guaranteeing visa-free entry to over 100 other countries. You need to pass a background check
Dominica offers The Golden Visa, for those who can make an investment toward residency in the country. The Dominica program is THE cheapest in the world – requiring only a $100,000 USD investment.
Antigua and Barbuda
The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program offers both citizenship and a second passport. There are three approved investment vehicles for the application. Investor has to choose one, to get the eligibility.
Grenada is known as the Spice Island and offers one of the most picturesque waterfronts in all the Caribbean. The application for CIP is processed within 4 months and it provides visa-free travel to over 125 countries including Europe’s Schengen zone.
Any of these options would be great, depending on what exactly suits you best for the new lifestyle you’re seeking.