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According to the official website, WoW Classic: World Bosses and PvP Honor System are avilable now. The world bosses include Lord Kazzak and Azuregos. Kazzak is located in Tainted Scar – Blasted Lands, with a suggested level of 60, suggested player count of 40. Azuregos is located in Azshara, with a suggested level of 60, and a suggested player count of 40. For more details, please focus on the best cheap wow classic gold store – WOWclassicgp.


The PvP Honor system as arrived in WoW Classic, opening the way for players to climb the ranks and earn PvP rewards.


Facing enemies who are within 10 levels of your own character and defeating them will earn you Honorable Kills. These Honorable Kills will help you advance in the PvP system and unlock access to a variety of rewards, such as a PvP trinket, cloak, potions, and more. Not all Honorable Kills are valued the same, however. Killing the same enemy multiple times will result in a decreasing amount of Honor gained until they aren’t worth anything more through the end of the day, when the system resets the diminishing returns.

Diminishing Returns from repeated kills on a single target are as follows:

1st: 100% of Honor
2nd: 75% of Honor
3rd: 50% of Honor
4th: 25% of Honor
5th (and beyond): 0% Honor
Diminishing Returns also apply to killing faction leaders.You can also gain a large number of Honor by killing city faction leaders in Darnassus, Ironforge, Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff, and the Undercity. Once Battlegrounds are available in WoW Classic, these will also provide Honor.


You will be given Dishonorable Kills for killing civilian NPCs which immediately impacts your Honor rating. Every dishonorable kill costs you some of the honor that you’ve earned in previous weeks, making it difficult to reach the higher ranks as long as you have any dishonorable kills counted on your record at all. These will appear in the Honor tab immediately.


You can check your status in the character information window (C) in the Honor tab. This shows your current rank as well as your honorable kills for the current day, the previous day, the week, the previous week, and over your character’s lifetime.There are 14 ranks, and each rank provides access to new rewards. You’ll need to head over to the Officer’s Barracks in Stormwind or Orgrimmar to purchase your new items.”

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