Bid Adieu to False Lashes! Lash Extension to Look Fabu’lash’


Those women who have to do make up every morning for work or a party knows that the most time-consuming and challenging part of makeup is eye makeup. When it comes to eye makeup, they have to pay considerable attention to it because ‘eyes speak louder than words.’

Are you getting bored with your thin eyelashes and dreaming of gorgeous eyes? Nowadays, lash extension can be found in the delicious beauty menu of the best nail salon in Des Moines as it helps you to achieve the best look you are longing for. More and more women are investing in eyelash extension as it creates an illusion of the eye being more open and wider than it normally is.

An eyelash extension is done by a trained expert from a leading natural nail salon who applies eyelash extensions on each of your natural lashes with semi-permanent glue. This glue holds the lash extensions in place. The whole procedure is simple, and the experience is overall, so relaxing. The technicians also use an under eye pad for protection.

The lash extensions in Des Moines will enhance your natural lashes, giving them both length and volume. Once you get your lash extensions on, avoid using face oils and oil-based cleaners as they can cause damages to the lashes. Use a spoolie brush to untangle the lashes, and this helps you keep the extensions clean and fresh for several weeks.

Benefits of Getting Lash Extensions Services

-You don’t have to use mascara anymore.

-Improves your natural look.

-Eyes will look young and beautiful as ever.

-You don’t have to use false lashes anymore.

-You save a lot of time that you use in applying and removing false lashes otherwise.


Why Choose a Professional for Lash Extension?

-They have many years of experience, and they can get the job done quickly and perfectly. You can be assured that you will receive outstanding work.

-The service is affordably priced. When you get a lash extension from the professionals, you will get an excellent service at the best price that is second to none.

-They are equipped with the right tools and instruments that help you get glamorous eyelashes perfectly.

The Bottom Line

Lash extensions are individual lashes that look like perfect natural eyelashes with a thicker base and thinner tip with a slight curl. The natural nail salon uses a medical-grade bonding adhesive to give the appearance of lush, voluminous lash-line.

The author of this article is a leading technician at the best nail salon in Des Moines with a specialization in lash extension. In this article, he lists the benefits of getting a lash extension. Visit for more information.

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