Astellia Online Guides: Level 1-50

Greetings Astellians! Today I will show you Astellia Guides containing level 1-50. You can read this article or click the official website to learn more details.

LEVEL 1-20

There are a few things to keep in mind while you are leveling, especially in the early levels. You will go through the main quest, leading you to Meiville at the beginning of the game. This is your first main hub, and while it does have vendors and amenities, introduces you to side quests.

Side quests are marked by Green Exclamation (!) marks over NPC’s heads. While these side quests are optional, they are very important in the leveling process. Most side quests are located at the hubs you will visit as you work your way through the Main Quest. This makes them easy to pick up, and because their objectives are typically located around those of the Main Quest, you can easily complete them, without having to travel out of your way.

In addition to looking out for Side Quests, keep an eye out for “Ancient Monsters” and treasure chests, while you’re exploring the world around you. You will receive Ancient Fragments, as they will not provide you with EXP. These can be used to purchase some pieces of gear from the Ancient Fragment Merchants you can find in major outposts. Having higher grade gear will help you get through your quests more quickly and make your leveling experience easier.

You can access your first Farming Dungeon at level 15. It will cost 2 dungeon tickets per entry, and you can run either solo or party versions. Completing the dungeon will give you a chance at improved gear, Astel Cards, and fodder for dismantling. Astel Cards will help raise the rating of your Astel, especially since going from 1-star to 2-star only requires four of that particular Astel’s card. Once again, you will not receive a large amount of experience from dungeons, but the rewards will make your leveling experience faster and more pleasant.

Other useful items:

HP and MP Potions – There are two types of HP/MP potions: instant and regen. While HP and MP potions share a cooldown, this cooldown is not shared between instant and regen pots. Additionally, while HP potions are great for keeping you going against tough or multiple monsters, MP potions will save you from having to rest between chain pulls to refill your mana bar. HP and MP potions can be purchased from the General or Misc. Merchant, or crafted with the Alchemy skill. They require herbs and roots to craft, which can only be gathered via Herb Gathering, or purchased from other players.

Astel HP Potions – Like HP/MP potions, these come in both instant and regen, and will be very useful, especially if you’re using a tank Astel, or fighting monsters with lots of AoE’s. You can purchase these from the General or Misc. Merchant.

Food – There are two types of food/drink. The first is used for HP or MP regen when out of combat. The second offers you a 30 minute stat boost. HP/MP regen food can be purchased from General Merchants, while stat boost food must be crafted. You can gather materials for food by picking them up off the ground, looting them from monsters, and purchasing them from Material Merchants. You do not need any gathering skills.

LEVEL 21-40

Much like leveling from 1-20, you will want to make sure you are completing the main story objectives and side quests. You will also notice the NPC Aimee, who offers you repeatable quests at various outposts. Not only will these provide EXP, but you will also be rewarded with Ancient Fragments.

You will want to make sure you are enhancing gear of Rare quality or higher, and evolving it after enhancement level 7. Just be careful that you are of an appropriate level to use the evolved item, as the level increases with each evolution. You will also want your main deck of Astels to have a 2-star rating or higher.

If you have been crafting and gathering during your leveling process, you will want to make sure they are leveled to at least 21, before you proceed to the level 20+ leveling areas.

It is advisable to do the highest level dungeon you can access, unless you are targeting a specific Astel Card. You can see the common Astel Card Rewards via the Dungeon menu.

  • Crimson Rock Valley – Level 20
  • Arau Cave – Level 25
  • Hall of Equality – Level 30
  • Macarzan Basin – Level 35
  • Temple of Blessings – Level 40

You will still want to use Food, HP/MP potions and Astel HP Potions, but you will have access to stronger HP and MP potions, as well as Astel HP potions, from the General or Misc. Merchant in the new leveling areas. If you have been crafting your own food, once you surpass level 21 Cooking, you will be able to produce food with stronger bonuses.

LEVEL 41-50

Ideally, you want your main deck of Astels to be 3-Star, and have a few pieces of Heroic gear that are enchanted. Continue to work your way through main quests, side quests, and Aimee’s repeatables.

You will be able to purchase stronger MP, HP, and Astel HP potions from the General or Misc. Vendor, and you can craft stronger food as well if your cooking is over level 41.

You will unlock the following four new dungeons at level 45:

  • Fortenora Underground Prison
  • Archduke Caleonid Mansion
  • Dogavi Black Market
  • Dogavi Black Market Expert

That’s all about this Astellia guide. You can come to MmoGah to see more Astellia News or Buy Astellia Asper to make your character stronger.



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