All You Need To Know About The Trending Wave Of Frozen Fruits

Frozen fruits are gradually becoming an important part of everyday diet around the world, but especially in European countries. Busy lifestyles have pushed the food industry to produce new products to meet rising customer demands. Cold chain infrastructure has provided an important role in driving the frozen fruits industry, helping to transport products both domestically and globally.

Global demand for fresh and processed fruits is growing as the consumption habits of the urban population change. This requirement is fulfilled through the use of cold chain logistics to maintain the temperature and quality of food products. The rise in exports and imports of frozen food is possible due to the strong global services of the cold chain available in developed economies.

What are frozen fruits?

Fruits are rich in minerals that are important for a wide range of metabolic and physiological processes in the human body. In recent years, the use of frozen fruit has spread widely not only in the preparation of drinks but also as a raw material for yogurts, candies, cookies, cakes, ice creams, and children’s food.

Currently, frozen food manufacturers benefit from the consumer’s perception that frozen food is as healthy as fresh. Owing to the modern quick-freezing method, frozen food can be delivered to consumers with similar taste and texture profiles for the benefit of increased consumer convenience. Food (protein, vegan, plant-based, etc.), simplicity, and superiority of the Millennial generation propel some of the new developments in space.

Some of the widely-consumed frozen fruits:

Frozen cherries

Frozen cherries have a ton of potassium, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin B. Potassium in cherries also make them a great workout recovery snack that can help rejuvenate muscles by including them in a post-run or post-virtual workout smoothie. Research published in the European Journal of Sports Science found that cherry concentrate contributes to less muscle pain post-workout.


Mangoes prefer to be over-ripe or under-ripe in stores. Plus mangoes are a little time consuming and messy when it comes to peeling and cutting. Frozen mango is still the mainstay in the freezer. A bag of frozen mango has more potential applications than just a smoothie. Frozen mangoes can be frozen and used for a tropical twist in salads and mixed grains.

Frozen papaya

And though it’s hard to get fresh papaya, almost every grocery store has frozen papaya. This frozen fruit is filled with antioxidants, vitamin C, and beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A). Papaya is another fruit that is great for immunity and has more than 200 percent of the amount of vitamin C needed for the day. Papaya can also aid with constipation and bloating due to the enzyme papin, which helps digest proteins. It’s a perfect after-dinner snack.

Frozen berries

Berries are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and one of the best antioxidant foods in the world. Whether you like raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, or strawberries, you will benefit from their nutritious value even though they are frozen. Frozen berries are also a perfect choice for baking recipes. When thawed, they ‘re ready to be folded into all the delicious homemade breads, pies, and desserts you ‘d like to make when you’re at home.

Frozen fruits provide a wholesome of goodness

Frozen fruits have a bad reputation when it comes to nutrition. People just don’t think they ‘re as safe as fresh produce. But including frozen food in your diet is a great way to fight food waste. Fruits and vegetables are picked and frozen at peak ripeness, and studies show that they retain the same vitamin, mineral, and phytochemical content as their fresh counterparts.

In addition, many fruits and vegetables retain more nutrients when they are frozen than when they are eaten fresh. Aside from storing minerals, freezing is the safest way to preserve beneficial plant compounds that help protect against disease. Frozen fruits are commercially picked at the height of ripeness and then individually rapidly frozen and packed in a nitrogen atmosphere. Exposing fruit to nitrogen helps to retain nutrients that degrade oxygen.

Health check: frozen fruits are full of sugars

The belief that fruit is healthy is primarily based on the fact that certain fruits have a low energy (calorie) content and are filled with nutrients. Nutrients include vitamins, minerals, fiber and bioactive nutrients (often pigment compounds such as polyphenols and carotenoids). Fruit often contains sugar, although the amount can differ considerably. Some are very low in sugar, such as cranberries (3.5 percent sugar) and blackberries (1.5 percent).

But some tropical fruits have surprisingly high levels. These involve mango (14 percent of sugar) and jackfruit (19 percent). Although the market sees frozen-dry fruit as a healthier substitute to candied fruit and probably dried fruit, frozen-dried fruit has a much higher sugar level than its fresh equivalent. So more freezing-drying is a more effective way to extract water than conventional drying, it may mean that freeze-dried fruits can produce more sugar than dried fruit.

Free Valuable Insights: Global Frozen Fruits Market to reach a market size of USD 4.9 billion by 2026

The bottom line

The frozen fruits market is highly concentrated and dynamic, with major market leaders leveraging tactics such as new product releases and company acquisitions to meet increasing customer demand. Globalization and increasing international trade are the main factors responsible for the global development of the frozen food industry. With economic development and increased purchasing power parity (PPP), customers can afford premium products with enhanced nutritional value and shelf life. This influences trade between regions between different food products.

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