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A Complete Details about Hysterectomy You Should Know | CUSP Surgeons

Hysterectomy is a surgery that is used to remove a woman’s uterus, where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. Usually during the surgery the whole uterus is removed, but depending on the condition, your doctor may also remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries. After you have hysterectomy surgery, you would no longer have menstrual periods and you cannot become pregnant.

Why hysterectomy is needed?

There might be different reasons why you may need a hysterectomy and these are mentioned below:

If the uterine fibroid or noncancerous grows in the wall of the uterus there is a chance that you need to undergo hysterectomy surgery. The reason is that because in some casesthe women can experience pain or heavy bleeding.

Hysterectomy is done in different ways and the surgery totally depends on your health history and even the reason for your surgery.

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