Great reasons for athletes to have a custom mouthguard

Australians love their sport. Thousands sit in stadiums and indoor arenas every week to cheer on their heroes, with millions tuning in on TV. Those still young enough take the fields and gyms to try and emulate the pros, putting in their best efforts. Even if they don’t reach anything higher than recreational levels, there is still much to be gained, as energy is burned and a general feeling of wellness pervades, often in the company of others.

Many of the sports that see participation see physical contact with others. They can be dangerous so those taking part need the best protection possible. Such as a custom mouth guard as nobody wants to go to dinner with a partner or friends with a big hole in their mouth where their teeth formerly lived.

  • Those who participate in and around Sydney can be looked after by a team of qualified dental technicians who make the guards by hand while using state-of-the-art equipment at their own laboratory to deliver superb results and the right protection to those precious molars. Those who don’t want to trek down there can take advantage of the mobile service which makes the guards so popular.
  • They will travel to see the athlete, be at training, work, or at the stadium and take an impression that is of great convenience to those who might have a busy schedule to keep. No matter what the age or standard of the athlete they make the guard for, it will be of the same high quality. Some who have had previous injuries might know about the most common situations that they should visit an Australian bone and joint specialist.
  • It’s a simple system in which anyone can book an online appointment so that one of the team comes to visit. They are of custom fit designs as well as offering shock absorption meaning they are totally safe to use. MMA fighters can head into the octagon with confidence knowing their looks won’t be affected by losing any teeth, thanks to a superior fit and the maximum impact resistance that the guards provide.
  • Losing teeth can have health impacts, so it’s always wise to ensure that they are safe. The stunning designs that are available allow an athlete to smile with confidence and even send out a cheeky message to opponents or supporters. No two mouths and sets of teeth are the same in shape or side, so having a custom-made guard makes sense for both comfort and safety. Being able to smile naturally will be a pleasure when visiting a local market.
  • Athletes can even design what they want on their guards, meaning they can show off their personality and individuality. They can pick them up when they are finished or have them dropped off, it’s as easy as that.

Contacting a professional dental team and having a guard made from an impression will ensure a custom-made high-quality product that provides safety and the best protection to athletes playing contact sports.


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