Prestashop Google Shopping Integration Extension by Knowband

Google Shopping allows the customers to search for, view and compare products on Google search page. Google Shopping Prestashop extension helps the Prestashop store owners to map their products to Google Shopping and offers following benefits:

  • Map entire Prestashop category to Google Shopping
  • Compatible for the multi-shop environment
  • Admin can excluded products on the basis of specific conditions like products below a specific price, products without unique identifiers (EAN13/JAN or UPC)
  • Manage the multiple attribute groups for Color, Size, Gender, Pattern

How does it work?

The admin needs to install the module and configure it. You will also find the user manual with the step by step details to configure the module. Knowband offers free installation and configuration services, if you need any help for the module installation then feel free to contact our support team. Once the configuration has been completed the admin will be able to use the integration to automate the listing process.

To set up the Google Shopping Integration Module the PrestaShop store admin need to generate the API keys (all the steps to generate the API key are mentioned in the user manual) and once the setup has been completed it is easy to manage the Google Shopping store listing.

Features of the PrestaShop Google Shopping Integration module:

There are different options available in the Google Shopping Integration module which performs the specific tasks to sync the PrestaShop store products to Google Shopping

Profile Management

Profile management allows the store admin to select the basic settings to list the product like –Store category selection, Currency, Language and other required fields.

Product Description Template

The Google Shopping Integration Extension allows using the placeholders for the product description. The admin can use the placeholders like – id_product} {product_title} {manufacturer_name} {price}.

Exclude Products

In the general Setting tab, admin gets a feature to exclude products which are out of stock, whose price is less than a specified price and the products which do not have any UPC or EAN number.

Utm Tracking

Admin gets the facility to track the traffic comes to their PrestaShop store by using Utm parameters.

Product Listing

All the products that admin needs to list on the Google Shopping can be viewed under the Product listing tab of the Google Shopping Connector extension. The admin can view the product image, Listing Id, Name, Profile to which product is mapped, Listing Status and Date Added.

Feed Management

In this tab of the Google Shopping PrestaShop Integrator, the admin will get the feature to configure a schedule on which the module can upload products on Google without any manual interference. Admin can set feed scheduling as per their choice.

Enable Or Disable Products

This feature allows admin to disable their products from the product listing page. The Disabled products will get removed from the Google Shopping store. Admin can enable these disabled products later.

Features offered by Knowband’s Prestashop Google Shopping integrator are listed below:

  • The Prestashop Google Shopping Integration addon automates the entire process of listing the products on Google Shopping from the eCommerce site.
  • The store admin can automatically update the product inventory between the two stores from the back-end of the Google Shopping Prestashop Integration extension.
  • The Prestashop Google Shopping API integration offers real-time synchronization of products, inventory and between the Google Shopping API and Prestashop store is an easy means to excel the online businesses.
  • The store admin gets an option to create N number of profiles in the back-end of the Prestashop Google Shopping Integration extension.
  • The profile-based upload allows the admin to list the products in bulk. Moreover, any changes required in the product details can be done by making changes in the profile created in the back-end of the Google Shopping Prestashop API integration addon.
  • The store admin gets an easy option to keep a track of the products listed in the Google merchant center in the ‘Product Listing’ tab of the Prestashop Google Shopping connector.
  • The expired product can be renewed just by executing cron in the back-end of the Prestashop Shopping Integration plugin.
  • Prestashop Google Shopping Feed synchronization plugin even allows the admin to delete the products or view the errors that occurred while product listing.
  • Every time a cron is executed, a feed is created. The status of the feed can be viewed from the backend of the Google Shopping Prestashop Integration plugin by Knowband.
  • The real-time synchronization offered by the Prestashop Google Shopping Integration module makes tracking and feed management easier for the store admin.
  • The status of the actions performed can be viewed in the audit log section of the Google Shopping Prestashop Integrator.


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