Make a website monitoring easy with HostTracker best toolkit

Website monitoring is a vital thing that every administrator must get along with. Though it require to work with a large set of different tools to overwatch a website, it’s important to do the thing. Website database accessibility, overall stability, content validity, certificate and domain expiration and a lot more things are vital and must be monitored. But all that stuff is monitored with a separate tools, so webmaster is in need of something complex. And there’s one toolkit, one of the best of its kind, is HostTracker. 

What is HostTracker and what is it capable of?

Being a powerful website monitoring platform, HostTracker is a set of fully autonomous yet complex tools that will do all of the routine instead of a webmaster. All of its capabilities, though being limited, are available right from the first visit via manual check sequence at This is somewhat a demonstration area for all unregistered users that was made for a testing purposes. To unleash HostTracker full potential every visitor must create an account.

What features are unlocked after registration?

A user account is required to gain access to all set of features that are available at HostTracker. To create an account, everyone need to simply fill all forms at or use any of the integrated social network accounts.

Being a fully complex webmastering toolkit, HostTracker has a lot of tests and checks to work with. There are the basic services like worldwide access check, uptime and response time tests, SSL and domain verification, ping and more. All those tools will be available for real conditions testing all the way through Trial Period, so every user could get along with configuration routine.

Furthermore, all of them are fully automated and will send you notifications about everything that you had designated as vital for stability. This is achieved due to HostTracker built-in instant alerts system that could be integrated with almost every messenger available nowadays, including basic phone calls and SMS-messaging.

Automated monitoring services

Registration will also grant a free Trial Package that’ll last for 30 days. This one is made as a testing ground for new users and is unlocking an access to all tools that HostTracker is capable of. This includes a vast variety of useful services like uptime and response time overview, certificate and domain validity checks, availability and accessibility tests, various protocol checks and more. Even automated content, database and hardware stability checks.

Instant alerts system

Free trial is also making usage of notification system available. All active services with instant alerts enabled will notify users about anything suspicious that was marked as dangerous to a website stability or accessibility. This’ll make a webmaster’s work easier than ever, freeing time for completing more important tasks.

What subscription methods are available?

After a Trial Package expiration every user will need to choose one of the paid subscriptions. There are 4 Packages available to subscribe — Personal, Webmaster, Business and Enterprise. Those are varying by price, useability and functionality, hus including set of tools suitable to deal with different tasks. Payments could be made via Webmoney, SWIFT, PayPal, bank cards or some basic methods.

So there are some world-scale companies and brands who are using its services – Panasonic, Colgate, Kaspersky Labs, WorldMate and some more, even Microsoft, despite having a full state of pro webmasters. And that’s really the mark of HostTracker quality and reliability.

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