If we are talking about heart attacks and even the minutest of heart-centric issues, the age of 40 doesn’t sound like a resounding fortress, provided you aren’t an active individual. While it goes without saying that turning 40 makes you experienced, it certainly does nothing to make the bodily organs any younger. Moreover, if you had a few addictions like smoking and consuming alcohol at an early, by the time you turn 40, it is important to make a few lifestyle changes for actually prolonging the lifespan.
In the next few sections, we shall keep this discussion limited to the dietary changes an individual needs to make once he or she crosses the age of 40. However, before we list the food options to avoid, it is necessary to note that the overall metabolism of the body slows down a fair bit after 40 and therefore it is necessary to improve the physical activity levels as well, precisely to prevent muscle loss and improve the metabolic rate. Diet adjustments therefore become all the more necessary to accommodate the bouts of aerobic and anaerobic training.
So here are the three food items that you need to avoid completely:
If you have even crossed 30 for now, consider cutting sugar out from the existing diet. It is important to note that sugar interferes with the collagen and elastin production of the body. While both the components play a major role in keeping the skin firm, adding sugar to the diet actually speeds up the ageing process of the body and might even facilitate the appearance of wrinkles. From a more technical standpoint it wouldn’t be wrong to infer that sugar attaches with the body collagen tissues and stiffens them to a considerable extent. Therefore, the collagen turns inflexible which makes the face and the body lose the elastic resilience.
Fast Food
Fast food items are high in sodium, simple carbohydrates, sugars, and even bad fats. Consuming these after 40 can have detrimental effects on the body as the included sodium causes water retention and the trans fats clog and arteries, thereby making you prone to heart attacks.
Fast food like:
Cookies : Who doesn’t love a cookie? Whether you eat it on it’s own or dunked in milk, there really is nothing better than a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie. Sadly, with all their deliciousness, cookies contain so much sugar to the point that it can really affect your heart, make you break out and develop wrinkles quicker.
Fried Chicken: it’s not surprising that it is actually really bad for you. Even though the chicken contains nutrients and protein, this is all totally cancelled out by the fatty oils used in cooking at high-temperatures.
Consuming alcohol after the age of 40 isn’t something that even the best heart surgeon in India would recommend. Firstly, once the body starts ageing, you start losing muscle mass and putting on fat. Moreover, the overall water content of the body also starts dropping alarmingly. This is where consuming alcohol isn’t such a good idea as it will cause dehydration, sleepless nights, and occasional cravings for fast food and sugary items.
If a person has crossed the threshold of 40, it is necessary for him or her to refrain from sugary items, junk food, and obviously alcohol. Moreover, if the person is already consulting the best heart surgeon in India, it is obvious that the cardiologist will clear out all the doubts regarding the existing and preferred food habits.